Monday, September 10, 2012

coming home

i got up early and went walking with mom on tuesday.
laney was still asleep (it was 5:30) so we left her sleeping with lonnie and chrissy.
after mom left for work she sent me a text that said she missed us already, so when laney woke up we sent nani this picture. she's such a happy girl.
we have an old family joke and we call our mom "the wizard."
so she wants to get pictures of her grandkids in her wizard hat, but of course we forgot.
i remembered as we were walking out the door so i made joe run back upstairs with me so we could take some pics in the wizard hat.
she's a little too handsy.
on our way home we only had one stop in austin.
then our long flight from austin to baltimore was completely full.
it wasn't the most comfortable, but laney really traveled like a champ.
here she is finally in baltimore and so happy to be off the plane!
2 more hours in the car and then we were finally home!!!

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