Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Fresh powder!

I’ve been snowboarding around 5 times in my life and I obnoxiously used the phrase “fresh powder” at lease 100 times because I’m awesomely obnoxious like that and I think fresh powder is so funny. 

Matt sent me all these pictures so I don’t really have witty captions for them. 

These are all from Monday, before the fresh powder. It’s unfortunately not very snowy. 

I wish I liked snowboarding! 

Delaney and Adi were both a little cautious that first day, but Frankie was locked and loaded. 

A and D like to ski and Matt and F like snowboards. 

None of us can get over this view!

On Tuesday morning before the rest of us came downstairs Uncle Mike and Adi came up with an to go to the fancy bakery and get some treats. Frankie tagged along and they came back with 2 boxes of deliciousness, including this yummy meringue with a creamy filling inside. 

On Tuesday Adi stayed home with cami and I, so just these 4 went and it had snowed all night so there really was fresh powder. 

Check out the Olympic rings behind her head. 

Frankie and Mike were buddies and Delaney and Matt. Delaney found a course she liked and got so comfortable that she didn’t want to come home till late in the afternoon. 

Adi, Cami, and I headed into the village and did some window shopping/scouting out the souvies. 

Mike and Frankie decided they were done, so they headed to the village to meet us. 

Delaney was living her best life!

I texted Matt to see how it was going and got this response:

(This is D) It’s pretty good, and I figured out how to ski down quickly without making a triangle. I’m having fun and dad is too(I think) so we’re all good. And yes we are at the lodge, snacking 

Yay for progress! The rest of us enjoyed some poutine and a bratwurst. 
We walked around the village and I think I’ll probably have to take a picture every time we see Olympic rings, at least so far I have. 
They had the Vancouver Olympics here in 2010, so that’s pretty cool. 

These 2 made it home at 5 and headed straight for the hot tub. Mike ordered pizza and we played Times Up and the kids went to bed and we stayed up late talking. 

And that was a Tuesday. 

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