Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Birthday trip part 3

We drove from north of Baltimore about an hour to a hotel close to the temple. This was a hotel, so not one we usually stay at and it was so fun and different. 

It’s in a shopping center/office building, super 80’s Miami Vice style, it was really fun to see. We enjoyed a nice buffet brekkie and made to order omelettes. 

I don’t know why Adi’s posing like this, but hello ugly couches. 

We loved the glass elevators so of course I had to get horrible pictures going up and down. 

After brekkie pool time on the top floor! They had half the pool roped off for swim lessons, but there was still plenty of room. We swam and hot tubbed, swam and hot tubbed. Adi and Frankie headed down first and started the shower train, then me, then Matt and buggy. 

We didn’t have an appointment, but we showed up at the temple hoping for the best, and we got it! They squeezed us in and let me print names to use. 

It was Delaney’s first time and a beautiful experience to have all 3 girls together. 

Aaaand we ran into one of our favorite missionaries!

We love Sister Whitehead and it was so good to see her for a few minutes! I ran into 6 people I know in the <2 hours we were there. We’ve lived here a long time!

We wanted to do something in DC and adi set about to find something cool. And she did!

Planet Word is free and was actually a fun and interactive museum. 

This room was all about languages, every iPad had a person on it that shared some of their favorite words and phrases from their native language and talked about dialect and how many people still speak it. It was really cool. 

They did a show with this word wall behind us and they highlighted the different words as they were said. 

Then the girls favorite, karaoke. They did Sweet Caroline with Matt and it was so fun because everyone was super into it and supportive of all the singers. Sweet Caroline is such a fun song to sing with a crowd. Then the girls did Jolene by themselves. Delaney actually has a really sweet and clear voice, and in the videos you can very sweetly and clearly hear her belting these songs out. I was impressed with all of them!

This room had a bookshelf of books and when you laid them on the table they’d come alive with a light movie. So. Neat. 

Lightning Thief 👇🏻 

We stopped for dinner at Panera in Waldorf, birthday girls choice, and made it home around 9. It was a really great weekend trip. 

While we were driving I was looking at my phone and I got an invitation to join a new Spirit of Washington Dinner Train employees fb group, so of course I joined. I worked there from the time I moved to Seattle in May of 2003 until I started teaching in September of 2005. It was a great job, 5 hours on weeknights (5-10) and then a double every Saturday (10-10) so I could have Sunday off. I made $ and it was a unique opportunity to work on a moving train. Most people were just excited to be there, so that made it fun. We made announcements and told jokes and walked with giant trays of food stacked on them. The trip was @3 1/2 hours, an hour and a half going up, stopped for 45 minutes at the Columbia Winery, then and hour’ish trip home. 

Anyways, I’m looking around this new group, seeing who I know, and the man that started the group had found a 6 minute video of our train on YouTube. I’m watching and calling out to my family all the friends I see. Then I started wondering why I didn’t know anything about this video, because I knew everyone in it so I must have been working there at the time. And then, bam, there I am! I didn’t believe it at first, I was like, is that me? I think that’s me! I screenshotted and zoomed in and showed the girls (Matt was driving) and sent it to Alli because she also worked on the train. And sure enough, it was me. Neither Alli or I have any recollection of this video being made or anyone ever talking about it. And I never actually look at the camera, so maybe I didn’t know I was being filmed? Or I forgot, which also isn’t impossible. Though I really think I’d remember featuring so prominently in a high quality movie. 😭🤦‍♀️

So here I am, carrying 8 apple crisps up to be delivered. 

The trick to serving on a dinner train is to use the walls for support and keep a wide stance. 

I was serving in one of the dome cars this day, they were the fanciest and more expensive. Anyways, this was a fun walk down memory lane. And I’m a star baby. 😎 

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