Last Saturday Matt and I had an all morning trek training. We made bread in the Dutch oven, put together a handcart and pulled it, learned about the medical side of trek, and talked to Elizabeth about the spiritual side. It was really good and I feel a lot more prepared. Matt and I finished reading the guide together and will read on our own a few times, and we’re making a list of games to play during the downtimes. I’m excited and nervous. After, we went on a nice day date.

That night D had a birthday party at Hayden’s.

I went to the Capitol ward where I met up with my presidency and also a handful of other stake leaders and after sacrament meeting we had an adult leadership meeting. Then my presidency trained the new Capitol RS presidency. Because of Covid and weird schedules this was the first time we’d all trained a new presidency together in person. It went really well and it was fun to get to know them. Then we had a presidency meeting. We ❤️ our meetings. In all honesty though, I don’t mind meetings because most of them are really good and productive. We forgot to get a picture before women’s Conference and Denise remembered we wanted a picture. Amber, me, Denise, and Debbie. Love these ladies!

Matt flew to California for work Monday morning. Of course I love when we’re all together, but there’s something fun about Matt being out of town. It feels like girls night every night.

Adi has continued with her “Days of Mother’s Day.” One day she gave me 6 lovely words. I’ve also gotten gum, Australian licorice, and a back rub. She’s so sweet.

We had a family council and talked about summer plans. We always start with big ideas and then Peter out. We’re working on life skills this summer. Adi’s got 3 more years and lots to learn!

Delaney has a chorus concert Wednesday night and she let me do her hair. She wanted half up, half down with a bun and a ribbon. I evened out the bun a little after this pic, but we were late so we had to go.

They had art all around and it’s fun to see what the kids have created.

These 2 cuties sang their hearts out. They both sing so earnestly, I love it!

My baby is almost done with elementary school!

8 years at this school and we’re almost done. Bittersweet, but I’ll choose the sweet.

Matt and grandpa were able to worship in the Los Angeles temple that evening. Extra special because that’s where Jim and Sharon were married.

Alecia hosted brunch and I made a bunch of blueberry muffins. My recipe didn’t call for vanilla, so I made some following the recipe, then added vanilla to some and almond extract to some, and I color coded using different muffin liners, then I took a pic to help me remember. Honestly, they all tasted about the same. 🤷♀️

Grandpa and Matt came home Thursday night. 🎉 Friday morning the Duke pta hosted Donuts with Grownups. I went early to setup and helped serve. It was a beautiful morning and it was great to see so many friends.

Saturday was out 11th Life’s Good in LG 5K. I signed us all up to help. Matt and I manned the banana table and cheered on the runners. The girls helped corral the little kids for the fun run, then played at the park. They weren’t happy to wake up at 7:00 on a Saturday, but it’s always a fun event.

These goofy girls.

I caught Adi mid jump. ✅

They all 3 talked a big talk about being the first in the pool, but Laney was the only one that followed through. It’s been beautifully pleasant, but not at all warm.

She popped up out of breath because it was so cold. I told her she’d last 10 minutes, so she made sure to prove me wrong by lasting 12. 😂

D went to a birthday party and adi and I went shopping. After we picked her up we went to salsa’s for dinner and then down to the wharf.

We walked around and then when I went back to find D I didn’t see her, so I called out to her and of course she was up in a tree. She helpfully let me know I probably couldn’t climb it because I’d most likely break a branch. Thanks, D.

We were chatting in her room that night and when she couldn’t close her pajama drawer, even though it always closes, she reached her hand in the back and pulled out a ton of size 4T clothes!

We were cracking up and so shocked. How did that happen? How did they stay hidden back there for 7+ years? So wild.

Today I had zoom stake council, then went to Pax and then LP. Nola gave an amazing talk about the law of chastity and Mike’s was good about the law of consecration too. Then Lana taught RS in LP and it was also fabulous. It was just a lovely long day at church. Then Susan and I caught up and went to visit a sweet sister who is having surgery this week. I got home around 4:30 to a hot dinner Matt made, and then it was time to say goodbye to grandpa.

The girls and I made brownies and hot fudge and had sundaes. Oh yes, and Wednesday was the last day of seminary and now we only have 9 more days of school! I love the fun anticipation of these last few days and promise of summer. ❤️