Sunday, October 3, 2021

More of the first week of school

By day #2 delaney was ready to walk herself to school. 

Goodbye baby girl!

Covid was raging. Things that had closed, like the mass vaccination site and mass testing centers were opening back up. 

Frankie’s cute new digs. 

Adi came home very excited about a science project. Her team won the challenge to figure out how to hold books up with just paper and tape and she was very proud of herself. 

She tried with several other items, but the books were so evenly distributed that they worked best. 

September 1st was papa’s birthday, so we celebrated!

He requested Better than Shopping cake and I knew enough to make meatloaf for dinner. 

Happy 73rd!

One day he took Adi out to take pictures with him. 

She’s such a cool young woman. She is 100% her own little brand of weirdness and I really don’t think she cares too much what other people think. We all care some, but she’s so much better about that stuff than I ever was. 

And of course she loves to climb. 

Both our schools are giving out positive behavior slips like gangbusters. We’ve gotten several notices about the amount of referrals and infractions the middle school has had, apparently way more than in the past. This pandemic has been so hard on so many, I am praying for those kids and their families in less than ideal situations. I wish I could tell them there is a better way. 

The girls set up the basement bedroom as a school room and they went all out. Matt and I went down for some lessons. 

Leonardtown got a trolley! It’s been running First Friday’s and picks up right here in Leonard’s Grant. Such a cool idea, I hope they get lots of business and continue it. 

This was my ER day, updating Matt on my status. I am eagerly looking forward to better health soon. I have felt my prayers answered that this will only last for a short time, but sometimes I wonder about the Lords definition of “short.” Even still I am feeling calm and at peace. 

I don’t think I’ve ever had an IV bruise. 

How about some Carter cuteness. He does a funny crawl now that gets him to where he wants to be. His hair is getting more thick and darker. He’s got 2 teeth coming in and is still the happiest little guy. 

Nola brought me over a sweet gift one day. It’s been a little heartbreaking talking to women about anxiety because most women I’ve talked to have experienced their own struggles with it. This, and all of the ideas and suggestions and prayers and check ins have brightened my life and made my burden easier to bear. 

My vitamins and meds and essential oils. I’m throwing everything at healing. 

Obviously we love Matt and love when he’s around, but there’s a different, and a very sweet vibe when it’s just me and the girls. We all congregated in the upstairs hall for some reason. We just love being close to each other. 

She was really happy here even though her face doesn’t show it. 😂

Oh happy day, our new dishwasher came and was finally installed. Also, I forgot to write that when Matt was gone, after the ER trip and during the worst of the breathing episodes I had Alli come down to be with me. I just didn’t want to be alone, which is not like me at all. She stayed two nights and it was a real comfort to have her. 

Blue’s Clue’s celebrated their 25th anniversary and Steve released a video message that got me right in the feels. Lexi and Christian loved Blues Clues and really everything is still very raw and emotional. 

I relate to all of these memes. 

I. LOVE. THIS. And I believe it’s true. We need each other. This picture speaks to me. 

This has been my very favorite phrase from studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year. I say and think it all the time. I said it so much to Chelsea and in our presidency meetings and meeting with ward presidencies that she made me a meme. 💕

I just can’t. 😭😭😭 All the memories from being a young mom come flooding back. All the feels. 

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