Sunday, October 3, 2021

Fair day

Sarah had her finger surgery scheduled for Fair day and she asked me to watch Ezra. I thought about sending my girls with other people, but then again I want to go to the fair too. And I’m so glad I did because he was a perfect baby and so happy outside. 

He took 3 naps and wouldn’t eat, but was just quiet and content all day. 

We saw loads of friends and everyone was happy. 

Adi and Abby went off. Frankie and Curtis and Jacob went off. Then I stayed with Delaney and Ellie and Emma and Gracie. They held onto each others swings. 

Frankie and boys are in the blue ball. 

They were spinning constantly! Bleh, I can’t even imagine. 

These cute middle schoolers! It’s so wild, they are so grown up!

Frankie was brave and rode this by herself. 

The big girls were on it too, but she flew her own plane, or hanglider?

Ezra was so good until we got home and then he was pretty done with us. I tried and tried with the bottle. I squirted the milk into his mouth and tried to let him suck on his own, but he just wasn’t having it. I knew Sarah was on her way home, so Frankie and I walked him up and down our street and he was happy. Maybe not happy, because he hadn’t eaten all day, but he wasn’t crying. I took him home and he’d really had enough and was crying, and he cried for Clair and Tony, and basically until he got to his mom. He was so hungry! I went home and fed my crew and then hung out with Sarah that night. We had a nice quiet night chatting. 

And a little dose of Montana. 

The next day Matt and I saw Dear Evan Hanson and it was so good! Two big thumbs up from both of us. We laughed and cried and it was just beautiful and sad. After that we went to Helen’s baptism where she requested a picture of everyone. 

More Montana? Sure. 😍

We are back at in-person piano which is kind of a bummer to drive, but I know is better for the girls. Frankie and I set up shop in the back of the jolly green and did tutoring one day. 

And Laney enjoyed the wind in her hair on the ride home, courtesy of Adi. 

Remember how I said we had 3 poofs now? The girls like to pile them on top of each other and make a snowman, and d even likes to decorate her. They think they should be stored this way, but I very nicely disagreed with them. We love our puffs though!

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