Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pics with the ad's

Our kids will never know the pain of having one chance at a nice picture and having it come out terribly. Oh so many horrible childhood pictures.
We are so spoiled in this age of take and look and take and look and delete and take... you know what I mean. Already my little girls are such better picture takers than I am.

They're able to come up with different expressions and looks so fast, little model girls. I often have the same look, I just can't come up with anything else! At jackie's wedding when it was time for bride/bridesmaid pictures the photographer said to do a crazy shot and none of us could think of anything! I think we ended up throwing our hands up, or something equally "crazy."

Anyways, iPhone photo sessions are one of our favorite things to do, we do all different expressions and then we laugh and laugh at how amazing we look. If you've never done it, you should totally try. Trust me.
Just warming up.
Oh, getting crazy.
Smoochy, smooch.
as addie would say, "what in the wuurld?" 

What's that, you say?
... crazy shot?
whaddya wise guy?
... another crazy shot?
photo session fun

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