Saturday, December 24, 2022

Munich Christmas Markets

Amy and the crew were still adjusting to the time change, so we got a late start this morning. That meant that I had time for a run. I love running in new places! A German run - so cool! It was in the high 40°’s and beautiful. 

Then Matt and I took Laney and Max out to hunt Pokémon while everyone else got ready. We had to laugh at the cigarette machine. 🙄

These 2 are so funny. They just chat chat chat as they hunt Pokémon. 

We went to the medieval Munich Christmas market first. 

They had some curious gamey looking meat stands so we all opted for pizza instead. 

Still in awe of how beautiful everything is!

Is started to rain fairly early on, and didn’t let up till after dinner. So it was a cold and wet day. By dinner time my shoulders were damp and my arms, which were in short sleeves under my coat, were cold. 

Adi did a whole series of Matt and I. Far away, closer, and closest. 

Hey! A Christmas tree from Spain!

And aren’t these the sweetest little trees?!

Turns out I look pretty whack with my hair pulled all the way back and just my hat on. The tree is pretty though!

Ich liebe dis man and his idea to take a picture here. 

We bought some treasures and the kids all got a few things for their cousin gift exchange. You can see how wet my coat was (very). 

We got Nutella crepes and checked out all the stalls. 

We found this awesome water fountain and everyone refilled their water bottles which was so nice. My friends husband says she has an emotional support water bottle and I feel that in my bones. 

There was not a lot of complaints even with all the rain. This is a crew of troopers!

We had dinner at the Hofbräuhaus and enjoyed the Bavarian atmosphere, music, and people clad in lederhosen. 

This place has a sordid past as it hosted the likes of one Adolf Hitler, but it’s a historic and beautiful building anyway. 

The food was just ok, but I’m so glad we went. It was totally on my list. We all kind of shared soups, spatzel, sausage and sauerkraut, pork and dumplings, potato salad (a fav!), and pretzels. 

By the time we finished dinner we were all warm again and mostly dry, and it had stopped raining. 🙌🏼 we walked around and shopped at the little stores in the marketplace. 

We found some fun souvies and more cousin gifts. Adi and Frankie are totally done and Delaney picked 2 really sweet things for Max, and has just a few more $ to spend for him. 

We saw the lights of the market and then headed home when we got hit with the craziest little rainstorm. We almost had to pull over it was raining so hard, but we went slowly and everyone around us did too. We came home to gas station goodies and games till almost midnight when we finally sent the kiddos to bed. Then Amy and I stayed up talking till 3, then Matt and I chatted awhile longer. It’s so wonderful to be all together!

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