Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy birthday, Quinn!

Matt and I went for an early morning walk. I wanted to check out a discount shoe store for some Chelsea boots. Literally everyone wears them here and they’re so cute! Our trip was successful. I found a pair I like and they were 1/3 the price I’d seen them in other places. 

We came back to a birthday cake for this beautiful lady! She’s 11 and I’m 44, how perfect is that. 

They did a funny thing with their Christmas Jammie’s where they smacked the present on their knee to open it, so max volunteered his head for her birthday gift. Goofballs. 

We love all the old cars and bikes. 

And the fancy stores. We went to Pull & Bear because Matt bought clothes at one when he was on his mission in Spain. We loved it and found loads of fun deals. And then the self checkouts! You put everything into that bin and they automatically know how much everything cost. It was pretty impressive!

We found this slogan in several construction areas. I don’t know what “Stump Franki” means, but it’s pretty funny. 
Tiny car tours! How fun!

We went to the Trabi store and didn’t walk around the museum, but saw it. These would be a fun way to tour the city. 

We did some shopping and sightseeing while Matt and Frankie went to the Checkpoint Charlie museum.. 

A sweatshirt with this on it is coming home with her. She has spent all her souvenir money and now has moved on to using her spending $. 

She is soaking up all this history and really loved the museum

We walked through a Berlin Wall memorial and a nice young man offered to take our picture, and then we took one for his group. 

We got a laugh when we found that he’d also taken one of himself. Sneaky sneaky. 😂

We wanted a nice sit down restaurant but evening busses are always weird and people were hungry, so we settled on a nice’ish food court. Everyone got what they wanted and we all got to spread out. These 2 are thick as thieves. 

We had another game of Skull King tonight (Amy won again) and Delaney asked to take a picture of her cards. 3 pirates are pretty impressive!

On our way home from dinner we stopped by a grocery store for NYE and New Year’s Day food, and while I think we did end up going overboard, I don’t think it will be too too bad. 

We decided tomorrow would be a good separate families day and then we’ll come together in the evening to party and kick 2022 straight to the curb. Bye Felicia. 

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