Thursday, December 29, 2022


This apartment is super fun and quirky. Exhibit A - a bathroom right off the kitchen and main area of the house, with glass doors. 😂 there are curtains of course, but it’s still pretty odd. And also Matt was the only one who would be my toilet model. 

As we were prepping to head out for the day, the kids checked out the rooftop garden. I took this from one of the windows across the room from the glass bathroom. And that’s our white Mitsubishi rental facing us. You drive in from the busy road through the archway in the white building if you can believe it. Our building was an old farm stable, and our unit is called the Horse Stable Loft. 

We got to walking and fairly quickly came on pretty and interesting buildings. Like this no name cutie. 

We walked and enjoyed the sights of the city. We’re hoping to tour the dome of the Reichstag Building behind us. It’s a museum also and it’s free, so that’s even better. 

We found a street vendor with warm pretzels and bought a few to share. 

Our first official stop was the Brandenburg Gate. This is a famous one from pictures, but they’re setting up for a NYE concert, so lots of stuff in the way of a nice shot. 

We walked up the pedestrian mall in the middle of the road and came upon a curry wurst stand and just had to. I remember being a little girl in east Berlin and eating a hamburger smothered in curry ketchup that I thought was one of the best things ever! And this was pretty good too. 

I was pretty impressed. Also, Berlin has these bears all over the city and they’re all painted and decorated differently. 

We also came upon this memorial/show of support for Ukraine that is located riiight in front of the Russian embassy.  Love that and all the love for Ukraine that we’ve seen. 

We did some souvenir shopping and we can never pass these up. 

Next we went to another Christmas market. This was by far all of our favorite! I love this wreath of ornaments! they use it for displaying their wares, but I think it would be an adorable decoration too. 

Most people got bratwurst for lunch. Adi picked a mini pizza. 

Oh these 2. 

Then we shared some piping hot  poffertjes with powdered sugar. 

We made a quick $1/person bathroom stop and then continued our food tour. 

Next we shared some Berlin style donuts. I love traveling in a big group because we can taste test so many treats. 

We found so many beautiful Christmas treasures. Amy and I are gonna try to make this sweet tree. 

We continued our walk to Checkpoint Charlie. I have vague memories of coming here as a kid with my family, so it was neat to see it through adult eyes.  

Slava Ukraini!

Checkpoint Charlie brought up so many questions that we came home and watched the Oversimplified about the Cold War. And that was helpful to me and Sandy too. 😂

We found a section of the wall. We read they have these throughout the city, but this is the only one we noticed. 

By this point we had walked around 14,000 steps and we were 3 miles from our apartment, so we muddled our way through buying subway tickets, which usually feels confusing no matter the city. These were some tired babies!

Adi said we don’t know what kind of germs subways have, so she opted for a mask. 

I caught him mid stumble and it was too good not to use. 

We found a hole in the wall as we walked home and ordered way too much food for dinner. We brought home several doner kabob sandwich halves and 2 1/2 pizzas. 🤷‍♀️

Matt did not get fries and did eat all of his sandwich. Smart man. 

We got back, huddled around our laptop to learn about the Cold War, took showers, and did laundry. The kids entertained themselves with a fun kicking game, so they were all pretty dirty. Also, no dryers here, so we’re washing clothes very minimally. 

Matt found a shoe horn, and I spent a fun day searching for a place to buy a shoe horn with my dad, so we sent this to him. 

I liked our big farmhouse better than this little apartment, but there’s so much more to do here! So Amy picked 2 great places and we’re loving every minute. The kids have had a few minor brushes, but for the most part it’s going swimmingly. 

1 comment:

Smilin' Jack 3 said...

I have stories to tell of crossing into East Berlin through Checkpoint Charlie. A unique experience.

So jealous you got to go to the Brandenburg gate. We couldn't the last time we were there. Could you still see old building with pockmarks from the fighting during WWII? Did you go by that huge tower thingie?

Keen fun and a great object lesson about a socialist country. Hooah!!


Love ya!!