Thursday, May 30, 2019

Memorial Day

Matt and I got up early and went for a walk. He’s a funny guy. 

The girls have piano on Monday, so we opted to go early and get it out of the way. That meant that we had to be there by 9, so no sleeping in for the girlsies. While they piano’d, I ran to food lion for a few last minute bbq ingredients. The 25th annual church picnic started at 11, and we rolled up around 11:30. We set up our chairs and discovered that the girls are too big for their chairs! All but Delaney. I guess we didn’t use them too much last year because we were gone all summer. 

I got to hold Lincoln for awhile and Frankie was like a magnet. Sad for Frankie, Lincoln weighs about what she does, so she wasn’t able to hold him long. 

Beth was there with her brand new babe, so Addie and I got a turn holding him. Babies everywhere. 💕

We set up our chairs in a huge circle and moved around, sitting in each other’s chairs as people came and went. *photo cred: momma Debby 

It was a pretty nice day! A smidge warm, but not as bad as it’s been some years. *photo cred: momma Debby

We had some urgent calling questions we needed to figure out, and since we hadn’t gotten a chance to pow-wow Sunday, we took a quick opportunity as the picnic was wrapping down. We climbed into the back of Tracie’s comfy van and pondered, counseled, and finally prayed together. It was actually a very unifying, spiritual, and productive little collaboration. Chelsea was cracking up and had to grab a pic of our most unusual of meeting places. Love these ladies. 

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