Saturday, May 11, 2019

Airshows and friends

Matt took #3 and #5 to an airshow at Andrews today. I stayed home because Frankie had a mid-day birthday party and the RS presidency is teaching tomorrow and I wanted to finish preparing. 

They left just after 7, and i woke up just before they left, which I was pretty impressed with. 

They were cold all day, even though it was nice. 🤷‍♀️

This is an amazing picture of an amazing kid. She’s super all right. 

Addie tells me they saw a First Lady plane, maybe this is the one?

Because they were there so early they got amazing seats. But because they were there so early they left before the Blue Angels flew. They flew like at 4, so it was way later than they wanted to stay. 

Cold girlsies, but they had fun. Sort of. I’m told D inhaled a whole funnel cake while Addie and Matt shared. I’m not sure how that was allowed to happen, but when I’m not there, I’m not there. 

Frankie and Lyla has lunch at Panera. 

Followed by the Pokémon movie. 

Chelsea said frankie got envoys at one point, so they cuddled. At least she didn’t stand up and run out of the theater. Again. 

And finally, we got the little girls passports and D’s cracks me up. She looks so mad!

Saturday’s are hair co-washing days, so i deep conditioned for a few hours while I watched the women’s conference sister to sister and finished up my lesson. I always love teaching, so it was a nice day. I’ve told everyone that lives at the White House on P. street that I can’t wait to see what they bring me for breakfast and what they make for dinner, so hopefully my indoctrination will pay off tomorrow. I’m so over decision making that I don’t even have a request, just don’t make me choose or make it. 

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