Friday, May 24, 2019

Gotta get down on Friday

Tonight we went up to food truck Friday at the gazebo.  

They had music, and since we waited until 6 so it was nice and cool.

After we ate pizza the girls got snow cones and D enjoyed hers atop the play structure. 

Addie brought her roller blades and was all ‘eat my dust.’

We sat with Morgan’s mom Dionna and got to know her better. Frankie is weirdly infatuated with Morgan. 

D’s class made dioramas at school today. 

After school we went and helped clean up from the teacher appreciation lunch. We love our teachers!

I almost had a nervous breakdown yesterday when I removed several command strips from my freshly painted powder room and they totally tore off the paint. I was soooooo sad/mad/frustrated. Matt has already sanded and primed it and we’ll paint it (again) tomorrow. With so much to do it’s so frustrating to have to redo parts. I’m over it. Matt’s a good calmer downer. 

Emily and I walked around St. Mary’s lake today and we always have a fun time and thoughtful conversations. 

And lastly, the highlight of my week. My Pansuit Politics besties have another podcast called The Nuanced Life where they take share small commemorations people send in and talk about the everyday parts of life that are special. I couldn’t sleep one night so i wrote to them about my curly hair journey. Then the next day I read it again and decided even though it wasn’t great, to send it in. That was last week, and on Wednesday they read my commemoration! I saw in the morning that they were talking about curly hair, and then after the girls went to school i clicked on it and it said it was from Michelle and they totally read my email! I was so surprised and stoked. I have loved listening to these two thoughtful, smart, and nuanced ladies talk about politics and life and I love them even more since they shared my silly little message about my afro. And also, I’m a curly girl and a church lady, what, what?!

We are all looking forward to a nice long weekend together!

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