Monday, November 17, 2014

little half pint of sweet cider half drunk-up

i loved reading the little house on the prairie books when i was little. amy and i grew up watching the shows too. when we would fight we called each other nellie olsen, just to be mean - ooh that little vixen! we dreamed of someday meeting our very own almonzo wilder and we were thrilled when mom took us to the actual little house on the prairie. i am loving reading these to the little girls. matt and chris have enjoyed too, when they are around. we've been reading in the morning while we wait for the bus, so we had read some without matt. tonight as i was reading he said, "oh they've already built the stable? is the roof up yet?" it was cute that he's getting into it too. on the show, pa always called laura "half-pint," but in the book he goes all out and calls her "little half pint of sweet cider half drunk-up." i love it.

anyhow, weeks ago i took a silly "which quote from a disney movie are you?" quiz, and this is what i got.
i love it and think it's perfect. i try (i do!) to make everything fun, or a learning experience, or funny, or whatever.

this little cutie is cute. 
that's all. 
i often ask her "why are you so cute?" and she says "because i am!" yup, because you are. love it.
i had put out halloween pictures of yore, and addie was asking who lexi was the year she dressed as a powder puff girl. so i went to trusty ol' youtube and pulled up an episode. she thoroughly enjoyed it.
lexi lu has become quite the animal lover. she's become part of emmi's family, including the dog.
and an idaho photo shoot.
halloween headband, fun green puff ball, sitting on an umbrella. "take a picture, mama!"
the halloween hat is a favorite. 
we got to hang out with this dude one weekend. we had fun at target together. ;)
who says girls are more mellow than boys?
i do, actually.
i am quite happy with my 4 girls and 1 boy. i don't know if i could handle the rowdy, roughhousing, altogether smelliness of a house full of boys. i guess i would figure it out somehow, but i am happy with my load of pink with splash of blue, thank you.
twinkies! we love cute christmas jams!
and we are so in love with goofy girls.
she loves magic and pipsqueak so much that bubba has had to start locking their cage so she can't "love on them" too much. now she just "lovingly" bangs on the outside of their cage.
what could go wrong? she's a total gentle giant.
i did a major shopping trip at the commissary one day and put the girls to work helping to bring them in. when i came in, this is what i found. orderly little ladies! and addie tried out several different poses until she landed on the winner. perfection takes time. frankie's pose is quite nice as well.
in going through the random cuts of meat in our freezer, i came upon some rump roast. i googled ways to cook it and found a nice yorkshire pudding. i've always wanted to try it, so i made it up. unfortunately, i didn't check how big the roast in the recipe was vs how big the roast i had was, which resulted in a very well done roast for us. anyhow, yorkshire pudding is no pudding at all, but actually a bread type dish made with the leftover drippings from the roast. 'twas an interesting meal, and one i probably won't repeat. good to know. :)
and finally, to round out the randomness, the US ebola craze seems to be over, (thankfully) but it did strike nyc and alli was also set to fly during that time. i found this and thought it was funny. that whole "element of fun" thing. :)

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