Friday, November 7, 2014

addie, addie, bo baddie

this little lady is so much fun! she's a ball of energy, love, emotion, learning, arty fun.
after piano on tuesday i told her that she and laney had to go vote with me. she was like
"wait! we are going to vote? mrs. g told us to tell our parents to vote! i can't believe it, i am so lucky!" 
she loved it! she kept asking who i was going to vote for, would she get a sticker, could she help me vote, could she give my information to the workers, etc.
in response: i told her who i voted for (and the next day, the election results), she did get a sticker, she and laney did push all the touchscreen buttons for me, and she did march right up and gave the nice lady (who also happened to be a fellow lg'er) my information, only excluding my birthday. and she was so excited to take her sticker to show mrs. g on wednesday!
pre-bedtime antics.
some cute things i've written down about our addie-cakes:

*she's big on the fact that she was born in new mexico and is, therefore, a new mexican. she will declare that she likes spicy food because she's a new mexican, after all.

*one day she was counting people in our family. first she came up with seven. then she said, "wait! (she says this a lot) there are 8 people, because of Jesus!" awwww!

*driving on 3 notch one day, she asked what road we were on. when i told her she said "3 nacho?! i wish it was 3 nacho!"

*she adores her teacher, mrs grabenstein. she has been such a wonderful influence on our already sweet girl. she is very positive and works on reinforcing good behaviors by having the kids "clip up" on their behavior chart. one day addie came home and told me that she was now on the wall of fame because she had clipped up to absolutely fabulous so many times. (i am totally paraphrasing and not using the right names for all the good things one can clip up to, but you get the point). as she told me the story she said "i was dying to clip up! and then she said, addie, go clip up. and i died!"

*we were at the library one day, when one of the male librarians asked the girls what school they went to. without skipping a beat addie proudly stated "we go to underpants elementary school!" thankfully he found her amusing. :/

*one day this summer as we did our daily what-to-wear-to-school debate. (which has gotten better, btw) she said "i can wear this to school! it doesn't even have noodle sleeves." (spaghetti straps)

*in talking about her various clip ups she proudly declared one day "i got my 2th jewel today!"

i could go on and on, these are just the ones i remembered to write down. these are some fun days!
she is learning how to be a big kid. she had quite a pout-fest last night after i trimmed her hair. she did not want her hair cut and would not listen to reason. she spent some time in her room thinking about appropriate ways to behave. she wants to be good and is so sad when she feels she's disappointed anyone. she's definitely a girls girl and prone to the girlfriend drama, though it hasn't been bad as of yet. she is generally a good natured, friendly, smart, fun little lady. 

though it's not without challenges, it is fun seeing a second set of children growing up. 
i am one lucky lady!

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