Friday, October 26, 2012

of root canals and frankenstorms

on wednesday night bubba had his last game of fall ball. friday night's team has been notoriously bad about cancelling and cancel they did for tonight. it was a frustrating game where they lost by 1 point, but only because of the 5 run per inning rule. by the time they'd gotten 5 runs they had 0 outs and bases loaded. and that was after the frustrating call that didn't allow them to get the third out on their fake-out trick, which the ump later agreed was in fact legal. and all of this after last weeks bad call that cost them the game (that was also later deemed legal). the good news is that the frustration lies mostly with me, christian didn't seem to care to much and his coach was really relaxed (maybe too relaxed?) about it.
when i drove addie to school on thursday the fall colors were so vibrant, i am just so in love with this time of year and where i live. the weather has been beaut-i-ful!
i got stuck behind an amish buggy and thought i'd take some liberties with some pics, seeing as how i was going 2 miles per hour.
no matter how many times i see them i still think it's crazy that we live in amish country.
and aren't these just the cutest little amish kids you ever did see?
last night bubba babysat and matt and i and lexi and peter went on a double date.
only we sat at separate tables.
i had plans with the girls, but the birthday girl had a migraine so we rescheduled. since christian was already down to babysit, i asked my hubby on a date.
two dates in two weeks, who are these people?! :)
lexi had asked to go to salsa's with peter, which is where girls night was, so we all went together.
 but i took pity on her and let them sit away from us. and then my sweet hubby picked up their tab anyway.
so sweet.
today was my root canal.
 not fun, but i was ready to get it over and done.
only to get 3/4 of the way done and have to stop because my nerve was bleeding too badly.
gross and darn!
no worries though, they'll just take care of it when i go back in two weeks to fill my other cavities.
i swear i might as well be british with how jacked up my teeth are. :(
i don't think my dental hygiene is perfect, but i brush, floss, and rinse regularly.
(twice daily, every other day, and every night, respectively)
daddy had the girls this morning and it just wouldn't be daddy time if one or more of them weren't naked when i got home.
after i took this pic delaney bit addie's cheek.
silly delaney, getting cheeky.
see, i even speak british.
and it looks like we might be getting some weather next week?
hurricane sandy colliding with a yet unnamed winter storm
(although some have already named it danny zuko)
creating "the perfect storm."
my biggest problem with this?
it would fall on halloween!
 thus the frankenstorm nickname. 
come on sandy, veer off! veer off!
we've been putting off buying a generator,
(cause really, when is it a good time to shell out $1000?)
but i told matt i thought we should probably get one this morning, just in case.
and guess what? everyone else thought that too and now lowes and the exchange are sole out.
luckily our neighbors each purchased one after irene and both said we could hook up to them.
we shall see...
half day of school today, no games tonight, what to do, what to do?!

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