Friday, August 30, 2024

Week at a glance

I gave blood on Thursday morning. I hate doing it and can’t think about it too hard otherwise I’d never go back. But in the grand scheme of things, I think it’s so important and even though I hate it, it’s a relatively easy thing I can do. I’m up to 5 pints now, just 3 away from a gallon!

After that I met up with these ladies for lunch at Okada where we closed the whole place down. We celebrated Alecia and she deserves all the celebrations and love because she’s amazing. ❤️

Frankie woke up that morning with pink eye. I don’t know why my family loves pink eye so much, but we really do. Sooo thankful she was the only one that got it. Matt was working from home again, so he was able to take her to the Dr and her eye cleared up with the first drop. 

We had nothing scheduled for Friday, so we let the girls completely veg after their first few days of school and it was lovely. 

Matt had an all day seminary training at the church by the temple on Saturday, so he went to that and said it was great, then he did a temple session, which was also great. The girls and I went to the ward beach party. Alecia got to Newtowne Neck before 10:30 and they’d already filled the 30 parking spots so they’d closed the main beach. So then they paid several park rangers to stand there turning people away and managing traffic and it just seems to me that money would be better spent making more easily accesible beach access. Because then we had to walk 15 minutes down to another beach, which was a lovely walk, but no one wants to lug beach stuff for 15 minutes. 

Mark and Amy showed up with their jet ski and that really made everyone’s day. Adi was the first brave girl to knee board and she got the hang of it immediately. By the end she was doing turns on it, it was so cool!

Frankie’s always good at anything athletic, but she couldn’t get her arms all the way around her life jacket to turn. 🤣

And Delaney was having a day, but she did deign to ride the jet ski and she also got the hang of it right away. 

Delaney’s grumpiness continued and the afternoon was a little tenuous, but we are teaching our kids to apologize, to forgive, and to be resilient, so we figured it out. She worked on her first sacrament talk and she read it to me several times and we timed it to figure out how much she needed to add. 

So many pictures like this. Delaney’s talk went well and church was wonderful. I had stake council in the morning and then came home for a bit to go to our ward. 

Also, my best time ever on the crossword. 

Cleaning out my phone I came across our whitewater rafting the Chatahoochie trip picture and that reminded me of our amazing trip!

We got a surprise package from papa. We still need to research Ilona because she made an impression on him. We love matching!

And finally, look at me go. 

1 comment:

Alecia said...

Wow, nice time on the mini! I'm usually proud of myself if I can do it under a minute. You're amazing! :)