Sunday, September 8, 2024

Water Country

Last Thursday I had a late meeting at the church house next to the temple so I went early to go to the temple first. 

The coordinating council meeting was really great. We talked about women and the priesthood and the comments were thoughtful and insightful and I came home with some good ideas. 

On Friday Matt and I had a lovely date day. We went to Mezeh and then to the church to pick up chairs and all the rest of the seminary stuff. 

Alecia and Lily picked us up for the girls 16th birthday trip after school on Friday and to Williamsburg we went!

We stopped to shop at some outlets and finally at 9:00 we ate a delicious dinner at a restaurant the girls found. Our hotel wasn’t the nicest, but it was clean and relatively quiet. We played games before bed and I’m actually impressed that we stayed up as late as we did, considering. 

We slept in and grabbed our hotel brekkie. 

And just look at our room number! Perfect for our sweet 16’s!

It wasn’t the warmest day, but it was warm enough and thankfully cloudy since I forgot my sunglasses. 

The girls wanted to ride with us all day and it was so fun! We rode the four seaters and two seaters and the by ourselves’ers and we hit every slide but the 2 crazy ones. Lunch hijinx!
Lily is a good sport about silly pictures. 

After lunch a guardian angel gave us a skip the line card and that little gift enabled us to ride almost every ride again, it was so great!

We stayed till they closed at 7:00. 

Then ended the day with funnel cakes before our drive home. 

We talked about how we can’t believe these 2 are 16 and about growing up and they are such good girls. It was a fabulous sweet 16 trip! 

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