Sunday, August 25, 2024


The Lu crew arrived in Florida just a few days before we did and Damian was finishing up his last few days in Montana before bringing their furniture down, so he hadn’t arrived yet. Thankfully Christian lives only an hour away, so he was able to find them a free sofa set and also brought a bed from their spare room, so they had some furniture when we got there. 

The first order of business after dropping Emmett at school was the grocery store where we did a big empty apartment shopping trip. We dropped Frankie, Delaney, and Carter at home and adi, Lu, and I went to Wally and then lunch at Whataburger, which was what-a-licious.  

We took the boys to the pool when Emmett got home from school and it sprinkled the whole time. 

We were cool with that because it was warm out and the water was so warm, but then it started thundering so we had to get out. 

An empty house is depressing, so we plan b’d our night and went to see Harold and the Purple Crayon. 

Carter couldn’t hang. He fell asleep during the last 15 minutes of the movie. 

Emmett loved it!

Frankie’s been without a phone since my birthday and she’s actually been really good about it. It’s hard because friends she doesn’t see regularly don’t know why she’s dropped off the face of the earth. 

On Wednesday I woke up with a terrible sore throat and so much achy fatigue. I slept all day on the air mattress in the living room, so that tells you how wiped I was. 

That night Damian arrived and I rallied enough to help unload their little trailer, but then I was done.Thursday was more of the same, lots of sleeping and rest, but by the evening I had started to feel better. 

Alexis and Damian went on a date and we put the boys to bed. 

I had been in bed for 2 days, so I hit the pool and it felt so good, though a little creepy to swim by myself at night. Frankie and Delaney joined me for a little, but they were creeped out. Just to be clear, the apartment complex and especially the pool are very nice, it’s just weird being out and night. 

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