Thursday, August 29, 2024

First day of school 2024!

I got up extra early and grabbed donuts for the first day of school. The girls have said just make sure to get lots of chocolate in the past, so I’ve tried telling the Dunkin people that a few times, but then I get stuff like this. 

Just not a lot of variety. 

Since seminary hasn’t started yet, D left first at 6:44. 

It was still extra chilly, so the girls were all sweatered up. 

I was having her do different poses and she turned around and did this adorable Lorax dance. 🤣 She really is so fun at home. 

And off goes the baby, our very last middle schooler ever. 

Next up was the high school crew. 

Their bus comes at 7:27. 

Together again! 🎶 

Look out world, she’s a junior!

Adi sniped a shot of Frankie and Julia being bus buddies. 

Then Michelle sent me this of Frankie and Julia on the 1st day of 9th grade. 

And this one of Frankie and Julia on the 1st day of 1st grade. 😭

I had a mega list of things to do and I chopped away at them, and Matt was also home and he chipped away at me. 🤣 not really, and I actually like having him home, but he was extra chatty all day and I was task oriented. 

We had a taste of Africa when the girls got home and we all decided we’re not fans.  

Just for good measure I showed the girls pictures of Lexi and Christian on their first day of freshman and junior year. 

You’ll notice it’s dark because seminary used to start on the first day of school. 👀 

We had our back to school dinner that night but since the girls had young women we even kept that pretty casual. We got Happy Dragon and Delaney got McDonald’s and we ate at home and shared all the first day fun. Everyone had a good first day!

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