Thursday, August 22, 2024

Holler wrap up, for now

Lea had the girls make cake pops one night. They loved getting their hands dirty, and then we got to munch cake pops the rest of our time there. 

Cosette is a cool chic. She is so fun to hang out with. I’m trying to set her up with a boy from our ward who is new to byu, so fingers crossed. 

Brad made Cosette the official spider mess cleaner before we got on the boat and she’s a good sport. 

Because of drivers ed, Adi was only going to have 2 days to tune. Then Brad gave Matt and the little Rays a crazy run ride that culminated in them flipping, and their rope snapped. Biggest whomp whomp ever. 

There are no local ropes, so the tube was officially retired for the 2024 boating season. 

But it was all good because how can you have a bad day out here?! They took us to a rope swing and we sung our hearts out. Last time I didn’t try it, but I’m a strong, brave 46 year old lady this year and I went for it and it was so scary and fun. I don’t have any of the pics, but it was amazing. 

We went to the Branch Sunday morning. They meet in a strip mall that’s been totally outfitted like carpet on the wall typical church house. Cosette and I enjoyed sweet breads and grape juice and a tiny short RS lesson because of all the chatting and announcements. It’s always interesting to see other congregations. 

We spent the afternoon and evening at the swing and in a swim spot and enjoyed the sunset and we just really love Dale Hollow. 

Lily asked for videos for a special Alecia birthday gift and I was like oh! Let me grab that sunset!

Lea broke out the cookies and whipped cream that night and these cousins laughed and talked about allll the things as the ate. We played a lot of Times Up and it was so funny. I’ll never sing Whoop there it is the same way again. 

Then all too soon it was Monday morning and we were saying goodbye to grandpa, Cosette, and Mike. 

Matts accidentally repping the Maryland flag. 🤣

I set my phone on the step for a group shot and then we worked on packing and changing sheets and making lunches to go. 

Matt had a couple work calls, but the girls and I got it all done, said goodbye to Lea, then Matt helped Brad take the giant tube to a storage facility and I love these flowers. There were a couple rows of these so I grabbed a pic to try to figure them out. 

Goodbye for now, Dale Hollow!

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