Sunday, August 4, 2024

Back to the future

I know I said our Tuesday movie would be the last of the summer, but I got talked into a Friday matinee (it wasn’t hard). Adi drove us and it was fun to have Matt come along on his cws. 

We went to Walmart after and look at this straight fanciness. They’ve revamped the whole store. And a sweet employee helped ensure I get this shot without anyone else in it. 🤣 a lady after my own heart!

We ran into this guy, so we sent Tracie a picture. 

We picked Emma up on our way home and she and Delaney joined Matt and I at the pool. It’s nice and warm and feels so good on these extra hot days!

The girls had a temple trip to the Richmond temple on Saturday. It feels weird that we’re never asked to go help or drive, not bad weird necessarily because we take our girls to the temple, just so different than it was when the bigs were in the youth program. 

And it was especially nice because Matt and I had a dc day date. We decided to park at Huntington and metro in. 

The big kids got Matt tickets to Back to the Future for his birthday and it was so fun!

We got there a little early so we walked to get a snack and the Kennedy Center is right by the Watergate Hotel, which we’ve never been to. So weird seeing everyday historical places. Anyways, we channeled our summer Italian trip and shared a caprese salad and gelato. 

We’ve never been to the Kennedy Center and it’s lovely. 

I love the lights. 

The acting and singing dancing were so fun and the sets and the way they used technology were really creative and new (to us at least). 

Alexis sent birthday money for me, so we treated ourselves and got Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Matt let me choose 3 appetizers and then we each chose a piece of cheesecake and we ate every last bite. We were sooo full!

We’d been getting flash flood warnings all day but it was clear and bright until riiiight before we left. We walked out and it was super grey and then less than a minute later it started raining. 

And then it started pouring. We hung out under the awning for a minute and then when it lightened up we made a run for it. And after you’ve shared 3 appetizers (one of them fried) and a bunch of cheesecake, running for your life is uncomfortable. 

We hung out under another awning when it got crazy again, and then got a little more wet, but the metro was very close and it wasn’t terrible and I was never cold. 

It was a super easy trip to dc! Partly because it was just Matt and I, but we’ve also utilized several foreign metro systems, so we’re getting pretty good at it. 

Lily came over after the temple trip so when we got home we watched some Olympics and played some skip-bo. 

Since it’s fast Sunday I was able to go to our ward with the crew. We all rode together because I thought my zoom meeting with President Boyd was at 3, but a few minutes before Sunday school finished, I checked again and it was actually at 2. So I found a classroom and borrowed a pen from Alecia and found a program to write notes on and had a quick meeting with him. He’s such a good and uplifting leader, I feel so very blessed to serve with him. He cares about each member of our stake and he always asks specifically about our family, and prays for them. He’s truly a servant leader. 

We are preparing for our roadtrip so we looked at the school supplies we already have and mapped out some roadside attractions to break up our trip and then there was an adult Ward fireside tonight that Adi offered to babysit at. We talked about CFM and shared some tips and encouragement and it was nice to be with our Ward family. 

We came home and ate ice cream and are enjoying some steeple chase, long jump, and quick runs from Paris. 

And I really appreciate this quote.

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