Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Spain - day 3

We let the girls sleep in today and while they did, Matt went to do some haircut tourism. He looks nice!

I had him model his new ‘do for our apartment tour. The front door is on the left and the kitchen is behind me. 

Cute little kitchen. We didn’t buy any food today because of our groceries from yesterday. So useful!

And the girls room. They have a rotating schedule of who gets to sleep on the top bunk. 

And the bathroom. The time stamp here was 12:30, because the girls slept till 12 when we finally woke them up. We’re really hoping we’ll be on a better schedule from here on out. 

We walked to the little corner store to buy water and I grabbed a shot of Matt outside his barbershop. 

And our hotel that really wants people to know it’s a 3 star hotel. 😂

We headed west in search of a lighthouse and it was so pretty I had to get a car shot. 

Our first stop was Faro de Cabo Vidio. And Matt always likes a silly shot. 

And then I made him do a normal one. 

It was so windy - check out Adi’s hair! 🤣

We took an ocean cliff trail to the lighthouse and Matt found some berries along our way. 

It was so unbelievably windy that I felt some anxiety about it. Ever since Delaney experienced wind anxiety I’ve had a touch of it too. Is it normal to take on our kids anxieties? 🤷‍♀️ D wanted to walk on the road so some of us joined her. 

I can’t get over how beautiful it is here! And check out the moby dick/vineyard vines rock right in the middle! 

First Spanish lighthouse! ✔️ 

This is going to be a b&b next year. I would love to stay in a lighthouse, but I think I might be too cheap to ever make it happen. 🤷‍♀️


Matt and I walked all the way around the light. One of us was making a dumb face in every version of this live shot, so I picked the one that made us both look a little dumb but neither of us too too dumb. . 

Of course Matt would climb the cliffs if I wasn’t there. It makes me so nervous, but he’s respectful of my boundaries and doesn’t go too far. 

All the way out on the point. 

It’s so much cooler up north, the high today was 76°. And the wind was ridiculous. 

We hiked down a switchback trail to the beach. The tide was coming in though and the waves were strong and angry so we didn’t stay long. 

Matt found a cool rock that’s coming home with us and I’ve got my ziplocks ready for sand and treasures for tomorrow. 

This guy has been so nostalgic and happy being back in Spain. And his Spanish is rocking. 

Goodbye beautiful and crazy beach!

We had 10,000 steps by this point and had only left the house at 1:00. These little pioneer children walked and walked. 

There’s the trail we took down to the beach. 

And then fresh water that we filled our water bottles with. 

It said “drink some water so you’ll always come back,” or something like that. 

We drove 20 minutes down to our next faro=lighthouse - the Faro de Cudillero. 

I asked Matt why he was crouching in the first pic so then he did this. 

I can’t take him anywhere. 

Cudillero is the *cutest* town! One of the cutest places I’ve been been hands down. 

I’ve never been to Greece, but it looks how I’d imagine Greece looks. 

Love the middle doorknob!

We ate granola bars in the car and let the girls get gelatti and d got hers on a Nutella waffle. I waited outside with her while the crew window shopped. 

It was busy with restaurants, stores, and people. It was such a cool place. 

I love this quirky plant stand!

We checked out a beautiful Catholic Church. It was dedicated to all those waiting for their loved ones to return from sea. I love the light. ❤️

There are several lookout spots around town, so we picked a path and started our climb. 

The lookout was a little tower out on a bluff, like a mini lighthouse with the spiral stairs on the outside. Frankie climbed with us but didn’t manage to get her head in and there were a lot of people up there. 

The lighthouse and even the path to the light was closed, so this is as good as it gets. There’s something cool about looking down at a lighthouse. 

Frankie managed to get her head into this one. 🤣

Prettiest little hidden gem! We only knew about it because we saw a map with all the lights in Vidio! Blessings 

5 teenagers dove off the dock into the water. As the waves went into these little arcs under the walkway they would poof a big splash of straigh water, so they’d all get in front of the arc and get blasted. It looked crazy dangerous to me, but we watched as they dove in and then swam to the boat ramp and got out. 🤷‍♀️ I love the ocean, but I do not disrespect her. She is mighty and dangerous and I’m brave but not reckless. 

We walked on the walkway that is closed in inclement weather. 

Delaney would have jumped in if we’d let her. She was all “put me in, coach!”

We had the best day!

Adi loves her portrait mode, even when I want a picture of the lighthouse. 

There she is!

We slowly made our way back to our car. They have these vendor huts set up, and grates that ocean water comes up through between each vendor. Delaney waited patiently to be splashed. 

And her patience paid off. 

The swimming boys were running from stall to stall and sitting on the grates till they got splashed, then they’d run to the nest one. 

So Delaney found a new spot and promptly got splashed again. She was in heaven. 

Our last stop before leaving Cudillero was a walk through a tunnel. 

It lead back into the cutest town, so we walked it and then walked back. 

I’m on a licorice tour of Spain. I bought the red licorice first because I’m on a stuffed licorice kick, and then this morning saw the opposite stuffing and had to try that one too! I also bought a plain one. I ❤️ licorice. not so much twizzlers, but most other red licorice. 

Our final lighthouse was closing just as we were walking up. Whomp whomp. 

Lighthouse Cabo Pines. Matt is holding my hair back from the crazy wind, I’m not in trouble. 🤣


Adi is getting better about picture taking. She doesn’t take shots from down below anymore, but she also doesn’t always get me when I’m ready. 

And she loves portrait mode like a lot. 

We walked all around the cliffs of this light and it was also insanely windy. 

Adi tried to retake that one ☝🏼, but Frankie didn’t manage to get her head in again. We laughed and laughed. 

Also, all three lighthouses, though none were open, were packed with people hiking around them. I think Spanish people know how to love a lighthouse and that warms my heart. Most of the lights I’ve gone to in Canada and the US are d-e-a-d. 

We came home around 8:30 and ate the rest of our food from yesterday. We had ham, cheese x2, gazpacho, yogurts, bread, and an ice cream lasagna. Then Matt and I went for a walk around our neighborhood. We loved exploring today, it was so good. ❤️❤️❤️

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