Thursday, August 24, 2023

Poke fest

I forgot to share this delicious Icelandic sodey we had on our Iceland Air flight. It’s called Appelsin, but it’s orange flavored. 🤷‍♀️

The girls love making videos and make them all.the.time. The iPad is linked to my phone so I get every picture and video, which is annoying, but I also like to see what they’re doing. 

We got home late Wednesday night and Alecia invited us over for Lily’s birthday brekkie Thursday morning, which was especially nice because a) we were all up early and b) we didn’t have any food. 

We unpacked and did laundry, dropped off the rental car, and picked up a few groceries. No naps were had and we all got to bed super early. Then we were all up by 5 on Friday and since we were all up, we went ahead and got going. We packed lunch and it all made for an easy and enjoyable drive. And the best part is that  we made it there in the early afternoon. 

We played Skull King that night and then it was early to bed again because Saturday was pokefest!

These poke nerds were so excited!

Matt found 3 of these hats and picked them up and when everyone said they’d like one he was able to order another one so they could be matchy matchy. 

Frey and Taylor invited the kids, paid for them, got them tshirts, charging blocks, and hot spots so they could use our old phones. It was so kind and generous of them!

And they were so nervous because they aren’t usually around kids. They were like “can Delaney go to the bathroom by herself?” - which is actually fair because life is crazy. 

We dropped them at the train station and they rode into NYC. 

They walked a million miles and everyone had a good time. 

Max and Delaney don’t have phones, so they were v excited to have their own device to use for whatever they wanted. They played on them and shared pics and videos and ran through their batteries before they finally figured out the shouldn’t do that or they won’t have enough juice to poke hunt. 

Apparently that’s an ultra super rare behind them. Or something. 🤷‍♀️

We dropped the girls off to do some back to school shopping and get lunch, and the grownups went for a lovely hike by the dam. 

Frey took this picture…

And then somehow his phone got all creative and angsty and took this one. 

They said the decorations weren’t as good as they’ve been in years past, maybe because NYC is so cool on its own, but it was kind of disappointing. 

And then there was an hour and a half where none of the poke stuff worked. Idk if it was WiFi or the main Pokémon app, but it was frustrating. Other than those 2 things, it was a great time. 

They left at 7:30am and we picked them back up at 9:30pm. 

Those babies came home dirty and tired!

The look they were going for was being crushed by the giant jiggly puff, or whatever, but it kind of looks like they are being born. 🤷‍♀️😂

The hike was our big activity for the day. That night we lit a smokeless fire with their Hungarian fire ring and it actually worked really well, and then we had s’mores. 

They also brought out their outdoor movie screen and the girls watched a movie on the deck. Their backyard is magical! Comfortable zones and activities everywhere, it’s so nice. Ugly outside of house, amazing inside and yard. 

We were in bed early that night too. We were so tired and we kept this an easygoing weekend trip. Except Delaney, obvi. 

The next morning we got Taylor and Frey to the train by 8:30 and packed up the jolly green after that so we were on the road by 9:30. It was an easy trip back home and it was nice again to arrive in the early afternoon. Quick and good!

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