Thursday, February 16, 2023

Valentine’s Day

Delaney is at the age where sometimes childish things like valentines are cool, and sometimes not. She decided they were cool and we ordered some fun ones and she decorated her box all by herself. 

Alecia and I treated ourselves to valentines pedi’s and lunch and it was really the perfect valentines gift. We told our hubby’s we were covered for gifting and thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon. 

The girls were all excited for their annual scavenger hunt. 

My rhymes are the cheesiest and my only rule is that each next clue is on a different floor, so there’s always lots of running. 

I caught both of them laughing at my dumb rhyming clue. 

They did surprisingly well this year, and I threw in some tricky weird word plays and gave them no hints. I was impressed. 

I usually get a game or movie, but this year I did outfits since they all like clothes. And when I saw this giant box of chocolates at Aldi in January I knew it was coming home with me. 

Frankie initially said no dice on her sweater, so we sent pics to Lu and bubba and they both loved it. And when I bought it the cashier at Target was wearing the same sweater, so she’s even ready for employment. 

Tinkercrate day is always a fun one. She always puts things together by herself and anytime there’s water involved, she dyes it with food coloring. 

One of our neighbors is moving and I recommended another neighbor to them to use as a realtor and she dropped off a box of truffles to say thank you. 🥰 delicious surprises are the best. 

I sent Lu and bubba pictures and videos of the scavenger hunt fun. Then after the girls hunt was over we came up with some fun scavenger hunty things for them. We did a who said it with a fav family quote from vacations of yore. Made them send some fav family words - when adi or Delaney get mad at Frankie they’ll often yell “FRANCES!” it’s funny because it’s the only time they ever use her proper name - so FRANCES was def on the list. We made them do the Hansel from Zoolander 👇🏻 and do a dance. And then I Venmo’d $ for dinner. I’m a little cynical about sending packages lately because the last one I sent the boys cost $40 to mail. “It really hurt and it’s still hurting.” (another family fav)

We had Alecia’s taquitos on our heart plates (a dinner everyone loves) and ate our giant box of chocolates while we watched a movie together. It was a lovely Valentine’s Day. 💕

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