Friday, February 3, 2023

It’s just a bunch of Hocus Pocus

After my septoplasty my dad sent me beautiful flowers. Matt put them in our room so I could fully enjoy them. 

I had watched some YouTube videos about what to expect when having a septoplasty, and the cute woman from Australia who had the most informative videos had these awesome nose pads, so I figured of course our American hospitals would have them. They did not, and my sensitive skin got irritated by using medical tape whenever I needed bandaging. We ordered a box of these guys on Amazon and I I’m wish I’d had them the whole time! So much better. And so stylish too!

The weekend after my surgery was fair weekend, and I obviously couldn’t go. Darn. πŸ˜‰ 

I was going to have Matt take the girls, but Alecia offered so Matt could stay with me and it was so nice!

Matt is such a good caregiver when I’m sick. He’ll do anything, clean anything, cook anything. He really excels at it. And he does it all happily. I never feel like a burden. 

I have a love/hate relationship with the fair. I do like to go. It’s fun to see people and the displays and shows and food, and I love watching the kids having fun. But I’m also ok to miss it.

Anyways; the girls went and had a wonderful time and it was so nice to have a quiet day with Matt. 

Frankie went to an escape room birthday party. We love a good escape room!

We had Tenkor surgery week too, not sure how that happened, but Delaney will always love her. 

We had Christian’s truck a lot of the summer. We took it to the beach and I’d drive it occasionally to make sure it didn’t just sit there. Before we returned it. Matt and I (pre-surgery) thoroughly detailed it. It took all day, but we had that guy sparkling! And then we dropped her off with jeanne and sent bubba a picture. 

That was a day before I got my stents removed, which felt so.good. Dr. Chen snips a stitch and then uses tweezer things to gently pull them out. They’re like the size and shape of a snap pea, but slightly bigger. He vacuumed all the gunk out too. Again, I’d watched videos of this to prepare, and all of the people were amazed at how well they could breathe immediately after the removal. I didn’t have that kind of success, unfortunately, and it’s till not perfect. Better, but not great. πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ

I ordered these cute Halloween trees for our porch, but they kept blowing over. Delaney was very invested in these trees, so she was out helping me. We thought for a minute and the  she ran inside and came back out with the smallest barbell weight attachments. She put the pole in the barbell hole and voila! I was seriously impressed.  

Hocus Pocus 2 came out and we went to a viewing party at the Gravelle’s. 

Everyone brought food and it was so fun to watch one of my fav holiday movies. Hocus Pocus is so corny that I didn’t have high hopes, but I actually thought they did a good job with the sequel. We made spellbook the spellbook brownies and ate our hearts out. 

The girls are so creative with all their movies and panoramic pictures. 

We had sent the boys these drawing things and Lu said they love them. 

General Conference was wonderful. We sent these to the fam and everyone sent back how they were enjoying conference too. 

These truffles came with the flowers my dad sent and we enjoyed them with our conference bingo. 

Adi brought home a beautifully decorated cookie from the Gravelle’s party. I love beautiful cookies!

Frankie drew this cute picture and put it on her wall. 

It’s always a good day at the temple. 

The neighborhood had an outdoor showing of Hocus Pocus 2 on the green and Frankie invited friends over for dinner and makeup before the movie. 

October was all about the Hocus Pocus!

Grandpa Ray turned 80! Matt and his brothers flew to Seattle to spend a few days with him. They went down to Ashland and saw some Shakespeare, grilled delicious food, and got pictures with Jim and the seven boys. The last time they were all together was when Sharon died in 2007. When we retire we’re going to pay for family trips altogether in lieu of an inheritance. At least that’s our perfect world plan. 

I love amusement parks in October!

By this point in our Six Flags journey, we were 2 years in and I was so tired of being the only adult 90% of the time. I still like watching the kids have fun, but I was pretty done. 


Frankie and I went to the Dr? 🀷‍♀️

And that’s the October wrap-up in February. 

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