Friday, May 20, 2022


*Adi sends me emails from school all the time. Her latest included a cute limerick:

The clothing will all escape

No matter the 'mount of tape

that's on the box

bursting with socks

And they aren't made out of crêpe

She’s so creative and clever.

*A few weeks ago I realized I had over 6000 emails in my inbox. I made a plan and spent some time, and today I have 300. Still too many for some, but pretty sweet for me!

*Also, I love this announcement from Chris’ unit announcing their latest mission:

“When the Army calls, the 10th Mountain Division is always ready,” said Col. Brian M. Ducote, commander of the 1st IBCT. “We are honored to serve in this capacity for our nation. We have trained hard and remain confident in our ability to excel at whatever is required.”

*I had a really cool experience in the temple. There is a picture of one of the mothers of a stripling warrior, her son is kneeling before her with his hand on her arm, and she is placing a helmet on his head. There was a couple that was studying the picture and wondering what it was, so I told them the story, and of course I teared up because, obvi. I told her why it was especially meaningful to me right now and about bubba, where he is, and that it was always his favorite scripture story. She shared her experiences of living overseas and being watched over and protected by our military. She said they’ve been trained well and they know what they’re doing and to try not to worry. It was really so sweet and meant a lot to me. 

*Can you tell I’m going through the 200 notes in my phone? Putting things in order. It’s really a never ending process. Enduring to the order end over here. 

*Another thing I wanted to remember is the fun time we had over Christmas break. I asked everyone their fav part and here were the reply’s:

Adi - We don’t talk about Bruno singing with cousins
Laney - Six Flags
Frankie - DC,  but wishes we could have done some museums
Michelle - games (and food)

Matt - adventure in Arlington (the walks)

*That was a fun time, a time before the hard. Speaking of the hard, I am doing well. I’m feeling better every day, even though I cry more than I ever have. Perspective during the day is fairly easy, but at night my mind turns on turbo. Guilt gets stirred up and that has never lead to anything good. It’s also non-sensical. I had a good conversation with a friend and her sharing ridiculous things she could let herself feel guilt about really helped. It’s not productive. its basically the worst and I’m trying hard to tell it to go to hell where it belongs, (thank you Brother Brigham) but it’s harder at night. Consequently, I’m still having some late, sleepless nights. I’m dealing though, napping when I need to and pushing through the sleepiness. It’s only been 2 months, I’m ok. 

*Today was in the 90°’s. Blah. 

*Frankie went to a new friends house. Adi babysat. Frankie and Delaney ju jitsu’d. We went shopping for a bubba care pack. I made more strawberry jam. 
Matt worked in DC, so long day for him. 

*and how about an oldie of Lex and Em! They went to a Blippy concert and Emmett loved it so much! He sand along to every song and clapped and cheered! He’s so fun!

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