Thursday, December 10, 2020

Day #270-#271

Emmett goes to a babysitter on the days that lexi and Cade’s schedules don’t work out. She sent me this adorable picture of Emmi side eyeing the babysitters daughter. Don’t let his sass fool you, he loves playing with her. 

I don’t know why I thought this was so funny. This baby is adorbs. 

And then this goody. Time is so weird. 

The girls each picked a country to study their Christmas traditions and then made presentations with Keynote and Power Point. I told them to find yummy treats to make too, but they haven’t yet. They’re kind of lazy like that. 

They were so excited to share and they all wanted to present first so I had them choose a number between 1-100. Laney won. She presented on Mexico’s Christmas traditions. Frankie presented on Norway. 

And then Addie did South Africa and she loved throwing in “When I went there...” Hoity-toity. 

The youth had a fun in person activity last night. Before that i got to take Addie on a date. She chose to eat at Panda Express. We ordered and then ate in our car while we talked about all the things. She’s a good girl. 

The youth met at a park in Wildwood and walked around and did a Christmas scavenger hunt. They left award certificates on houses they really liked. Then they ended at the Kinney’s for hot chocolate. They had to split into 3 groups because they can’t be in groups over 15. It was a fun activity, but very cold - 32°! 

This is 100% the truth. 👇🏻 

And then momma Debby shared this and I got a little teary. It’s so true. In a lot of ways our lives are pretty normal and in a lot of ways not at all. It’s weird. 

Delaney and I were having a heart to heart on my bed this morning and Addie came in. She told me that her friend, Elijha has a bigger bed than us, and a tv the size of papa’s in her bedroom. Cool! Then she asked when she would be old enough to have a tv in her room. I told her to ask bubba and sissy when they were old enough, and this Ft happened. Bubba set them straight and told them he didn’t have a tv in his room until he was old enough to buy it and at college. They were not impressed. 

It’s Ruby’s birthday, and also we’re almost done with our tutoring book and I needed to drop off the pages for the next book to her. So we dropped off a gift and her pages and I took Frankie with me to get some alone time. I told her she could choose to eat anywhere in leonardtown and she chose... Taco Bell. 

She said “I guess I’ll never know what it’s like to be in 5th grade.” 😢 5th grade is one of the best! You get to be top dog in safe and cute little elementary school. She was so excited to do the Duke Morning News and Safety Patrol again. I know it’s a relatively small thing, but I am sad for her. We talked about how life was meant to be hard and we can do hard things. I don’t ever want to minimize what a big deal this is for her. We had a good time talking. Its been a minute since I’ve spent time with the girls one on one and it was really great. 

Tonight I went for a late run and Alli made a brekkie dinner. We all worked together to clean up and then we’re watching Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square and it is truly terrible in the very best way. I love me some Dolly and this is v,v cheesy. 

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