Thursday, December 3, 2020

Day #262-263

On Tuesday night around midnight, after I’d published the days post, Frankie came downstairs to let me know they’d spilled slime on her carpet. I sent her upstairs and prayed to know how to handle the situation. I didn’t want to be mad, but I was. First of all - why were they awake at midnight? I know I am partly to blame for this, fine, mostly to blame, but I have tried to get them to sleep earlier. I don’t feel like I should have to be crazy strict about sleep, but I have learned I need to be, at least to get things back on track. Nothing good happens at midnight, especially not for an eight and ten year old. It was not my finest parenting, but I cleaned carpets until 1 and then couldn’t take anymore. In addition to a large blue slime mess, somehow putty had gotten on the other side of the bed and there is a large hard clear circle. 🤷‍♀️ The blue mess is mostly gone, and I will tackle the putty tomorrow. Needless to say, their slime and putty is in the garbage. 

The sleep jokes on them though, because we had planned a morning of shopping, and a morning of shopping is what they got. I woke them up at 8:00 and we headed out shortly after. Waking them up early and mandatory PE time is on the agenda for earlier sleep times. I say that instead of bedtimes, because they (usually) do have normal bedtimes. 

We had some stops to make first and then went to a bunch of stores. We bought presents for the giving tree and Charlene and they got each other and Alli and Matt presents. It was long and slightly bananas, but we finished our shopping extravaganza with Chick-fil-A, and we got so much done that it was good. We dropped things off at Nola’s and she was out walking so then she and I talked for like half an hour, while I was on the road with my hazards on. She’s someone I can just talk and talk to, and I haven’t seen many people so it was really nice. 

The whole family pitched in to make dinner for the Davis’ who have covid. Matt is their ministering brother, and it feels good to support him. It was SO easy with everyone helping! D chopped onions and opened cans, Addie made brownies, Frankie cut up lettuce, when Matt got done with work he made the salad dressing, and I did the rest. It was really so fast and it feels like the slow and painful early kitchen years may be coming to an end and actual helping years beginning. #stoked

That night after primary activities x3 (Matt, Delaney, and Frankie) and yw, we had our first stake rs presidency meeting. I had asked them to come prepared to introduce themselves and families, do a strengths finder test to see how together we have a 360° on strengths, and tell us 10 fun and random facts. As I made my random facts list I started to realize that was way too much. I am in a new space where I’m going to do lots of dumb things and constantly question if I said or did or emailed the right thing and the growing part is getting me blah. 

One of the things to know about me is I’m big on ideas and often need to be brought back down to reality. So it was with my mega-get to know you meeting. Thankfully, we were all on the same page and did a modified, smaller version of my original idea and it was great. Rebecca and Debbie were wonderful, and I already love and know Chelsea, and we’ve already got ideas going and planning for our March virtual women’s conference is beginning. Today I sent my first email to the ward rsp’s and to a bishop that will be sustaining a new presidency this Sunday and I haven’t heard back from anyone, so cool! 🤣 I rarely responded to stake peoples informational emails, so I get it. Kitty said she’d sometimes come home from visiting wards and just cry because “I’m just dumb little me, what do I even know?” and I have felt that x100 this week, and it’s only Thursday. But I can do hard things, and it’s all fine. I’m fine, it’s all fine. These early awkward days will end and I’m still excited and it will all be fine.

I got up early this morning and wrote in my journal. Only Alli was up too so then we talked. I don’t even know what else we did today? What do we do all day? My dad picked me up and we enjoyed a tasty McRib for lunch. Listen, I know they are a disgusting mystery meat but I like what I like, and that’s one of my gross likes. 🤷‍♀️ He dropped me back home and I hopped on tutoring and the girls headed to the park. 

This cute boy loves momma’s glasses so they gave him a broken pair and he actually wears them. They also got him a boy baby doll and he loves him and gives him kisses. He is talking and dancing and has so much energy and personality, I just love him so much. We play peek a boo and he laughs and laughs. 

Tonight was an outing we looked forward to all day! Our first time seeing the Lights in the Garden st Annmarie Gardens. 

I went ahead and got us a membership, so the girls are excited to play there more often. I don’t even know what grandmaster flex Delaney is doing. 

I didn’t even ask them to do this, I was just gonna get Frankie. The boys were a pleasant surprise. We’ve come a long way from the teen photo dodge. 

We sent this bird shot to papa to show him what he missed out on. 

This pic probs would have been cooler without Delaney’s giant head front and center. 

I got some flack from my crew for asking them to de-mask for a hot second. We needed at least one. 

I loved the ocean area with the giant jellyfish made from packing plastic. 

A Delaney jelly with an Addie photo bomb. 

And just a D. 

Frankie had to get a picture with the Frankie frogs. 

And Addie with the hazmat guy. She loves learning about disasters and disaster preparedness and we regularly tease her about which safety zone we’re in. She’s a good sport, and that’s a good thing to be knowledgeable about. 

This was Matt’s favorite display.

It’s just a bunch of old lamps, but it looked really cool!

I love the way they repurpose everything! So pretty!

Alli photo bomb. 

D wanted to make each emoji face. 

Her teeth. 😂

We were big on photobombs tonight. Probably on account of not getting out much. 🤷‍♀️

And finally, heart eyes. 😍

It was very cool and I’m glad we were able to do something Christmassy and close to home. We had told the crew we’d go get milkshakes, but when we got to the JGG I suggested everyone pick an ice cream from giant instead, and that way we’d have treats all week. Everyone agreed, and we watched our daily movie - How the Grinch Stole Christmas with big bowls of ice cream. 

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