Thursday, September 10, 2020

Day #179

I had let my pretty flowers go and have been working diligently to bring them back to life. These 2 looks amazing, though this picture isn’t doing the far right one any justice. They look really great compared to what they did look like. 

This guy is still struggling. I had cut off most of the brown stems, but I guess I shouldn’t have because new green leaves grew on the other ones and that’s how they’ve come back. This one is getting there, just taking awhile. I’m watering 2-3 times a day. If you’d have told me at the beginning of the year I’d be nursing my flowers back to health, I wouldn’t have believed it. I’m pretty much a keep flowers until I kill them and then throw them away kind of gal. But 2020 is bananas and here we are. 

Free school lunches started back up, and they’re giving them at each school which is super cool and convenient. We checked it out and had a fun lunch. Yay! I had texted Noni to get more details and she thanked me for supporting them, so it’s a win-win. 

Em has been visiting for 3 weeks and all 4 of these top teeth have popped through in that time. That’s a lot of teeth in a short amount of time, and he’s been a trooper. A high pitched screaming trooper. πŸ˜‚

It was National Weiner-Schnitzel Day, so dad brought over his air fryer and we enjoyed a feast. Also National Sudoko Day, so we did a puzzle as well. Frankie and Delaney played a fun game for primary activities and Addie had youth meetings that the missionaries ran. They asked her to share her testimony and she felt good about that. πŸ’• She’s becomes shy around adults so I’m glad she felt comfortable sharing her testimony. 

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