Thursday, September 3, 2020

Day #172

Alli taught the girls how to make presentations in Keystone this morning. They worked on them quietly for a long time and they turned out so cutely!

Delaney did hers on the most dangerous animals and has shared the fact that mosquitos are the most deadly “animals” in the world. Our iPad is synced to my phone, so I always get their saved pictures. 

The girls went to the library today and D got her first Playaway. She listened to it the rest of the day, she was just in heaven. 

Alli and I ran to Wally for a few things. While we were there our fav school secretary texted that she officially withdrew our girls. Sadness! But also we had a great day, so it’s good. 

The girls each logged on to school and got right to work. I still have questions and decisions to make about how to set everything up, but so far, so good.

We have had several people come look at our yard drainage issues and give us estimates. The one today was double what last weeks was. Next up, a real engineer. We’re hoping to gain knowledge from each person that comes out and to make the best decision with what we find out. Decisions are hard. We want to do it right, I just wish it was easier to know the right path. In so many things in life. 

Speaking of the right path, I saw the LP ward is doing this for September and really loved it. I texted it to Chelsea and Carolee and we felt like we should share it with our ward. I love preparing for conference with greater focus and intention. And today’s talk was so perfect. 

There are a lot of people in this house right now and there are lots of feelings and some of those feelings, and anxieties, and tensions overflowed this evening. Elder Renlunds talk brought so much peace and was another reminder to get the girls involved in family history. 

Maryland is preparing to enter stage 3. Yay! I am cautiously optimistic. It would be so amazing to be back to “normal,” or “new normal,” or even less anxious. Phasing back feels weird and I don’t know if I’m totally ready, but I am excited for good news and better days for our country. 

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