Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Day #170-171

Monday, August 31 brought our first day of school! Frankie saw this cute dress and jacket and fell in love with it. She’s pretty cute!

We found the same style for addie and delaney, and they both agreed they would wear their first day of school outfits and wanted to keep them. 


After much thought, prayers, back and forth, questioning, and repeat, we decided to withdraw our girls and homeschool them. There were lots of reasons. 

I hated school in the Spring. I know that was survival mode, but I really didn’t want to go back to that. I felt like the virtual school through the district brought all the negatives of homeschool, namely the kids being around all the time, and none of the positives, namely learning together, field trips, personalizing education. As the emails from teachers and the 2 schools started pouring in, I became ore convinced home school was right for us. Then Sarah withdrew her girls, then Colleen, and they made me brave. Not so brave that I withdrew them before the first day, but still. 

The decision didn’t come with an assuring peace though. I still feel anxious about it. We really love our school. Frankie and Delaney were put into classes with teachers Addie and Frankie had before, and they were wonderful teachers. I don’t want to take money from our school budget in years to come. I don’t want anyone to feel judgement for their choices. We’re all doing what we feel is best for our families, and that will look different for everyone, even those making the same general decisions. And its all ok. We’re all gonna be fine. 

Since it took so long to make the final decision, I was not prepared to start with any curriculum on Monday. The first weeks of school are really spent getting to know each other and figuring out procedures anyway, so we spent the morning talking about what we wanted from our home school experience. 

We were all just sitting on the couches and then one of them moved the ottoman to be her “desk,” and the other 2 quickly followed suit. And don’t mind our lovely dog comforter on our couch. We love Tenkor, but her hair is out of control.  

We came up with a lot of good ideas. Frankie asked that we take plenty of breaks for snacks and resetting our brains. We talked about field trips, PE, art, respect, and maybe above all else, flexibility. I’m pretty excited, I think it’s going to be wonderful. 

To finish off our first day we read a book about Anne Frank and watched some short documentaries for kids. They love learning about strong and smart girls, and it actually lead into talking about the importance of journaling (one of our daily writing goals) again. 

D has been producing newspapers like crazy. First it was called The Daily, but then switched to The Weekly because she decided she didn’t want to do it everyday, except she has published it every day. It’s a fluid name. 

Also, one of her stuffies is missing, so she hung missing dog flyers. 

This sweet picture of me and my papa came up on my timeline yesterday. He died when I was 7, so I only have fuzzy memories of him. 

We went to the Aina’s to learn about their homeschool program. Since I don’t know any different, we’re just going to piggyback on what they are doing for now and we’ll see how we evolve. Emmett loved playing and all the girls loved holding him and following him around. 

Until he fell and hit his head on the table. Then he was sad. 

He gets over himself pretty quickly, thankfully. 

Frankie and I made a brekkie dinner - pancakes and homemade syrup, and sausage and eggs. In closet news - we have light! Our old ugly light had just burnt out, so it was perfect timing. Also, we’re waiting on our third set of cleats and praying they are the right size. We know several people that used easy closets and had no problems, I don’t know why we’re so special. By the time we’re through we’re going to have enough extra pieces to do one of the girls closets, which we just might do. 


I finally grabbed a pic of the girls and auntie Alli’s fancy jello’s. 

Today was dads birthday. I went grocery shopping and made his requested meatloaf, baked potatoes, corn, and chocolate cake. 

I don’t believe I’ve ever made meatloaf, but it wasn’t bad. 

We said “Covid who?!” and he blew out the candles in the shape of “72.”

He loved his gifts and we are currently watching 1776 with him. It’s not Hamilton, I’ll tell you that much. 

It’s his favorite cereal. 🤷‍♀️

The girls worked on research projects today, so they presented their projects as we ate cake. Frankie did a PowerPoint on Anne Frank. We’re going to work on adding more words. 

Addie presented on disasters - mostly Chernobyl which is her favorite disaster. She even had movies linked, it was really good.  

Christian and Alli worked together to put together her new chair. Sitting on a computer for 8 hours a day is rough. 

We had a good day celebrating papa. We’re sure glad he’s so close and we can spend time with him whenever we like. I’ve given myself a week to get things organized for school, so we’ll be slowly easing into our new routine. 

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