Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Route 66 - day 2 - Selfie stick edition

More at this fun stop on the original Route 66. 

Dad brought his selfie stick, so we decided to have a selfie contest. I accidentally cut off dads head. 🤷‍♀️

Dads was good, but he didn’t get the whole shield on the ground. 

Amy’s was ok, I guess. 

Then we did the road. Pretty good by Amy. 

Not much road, by dad. 


From there it was on to Memory Lane. 

It’s a stretch of original Route 66 that you can drive on. They’ve got vintage boards and Burma Shave signs, they did a really good job with it! I think this was one of my favorite things we’ve seen so far. 

I’m not great at the selfie stick, apparently. 

The Burma Shave signs are fun. These ones said:

    The wolf
    Is shaved so neat and trim
    Red Riding Hood
    Is chasing him

1 comment:

The Adventures of Smilin' Jack said...

Round One of the Selfie Contest goes to . . . OMR. Hands down. And when you cut off my head in that one pic, I was trying to tell you but, like when you were a teenager, you didn't listen to me.

This day was great fun. It was a treat and a privilege to walk along the original 66 with two of my girls.

Hey, let's do this again, OK? I'll even bring the CPAP!!