Monday, November 26, 2012

turkey day '12

for the 4th year in a row the boys went and played football thanksgiving morning.
i baked pies and assembled what could be assembled early.
when matt got home he prepped the turkey, covered and stuffed it with bacon, and for the first time in our marriage, threw it in the oven.
(the turkey fryer broke last year and we've yet to replace it)
delaney was feverish and super whiny, so she was held all day.
we watched the parade and ate and cooked all day.
super low-key.
we also took some awesome pictures.
and delaney got cuddled and snuggled and loved on.
as soon as the turkey was done i threw in the green bean casserole, sweet potato's, and stuffing.
 and then things got exciting.
matt smelled smoke so he opened the oven door and boom.
 kitchen full of smoke.
it was a cold, cold day but we had no choice but to open the windows and turn up the heater.
with our dinner plans thrown off, we had a couple (attitude) problems.
while matt cleaned the oven we pieced together our thanksgiving and ended up having a nice dinner.
and that will forever be known as the mystery of thanksgiving '12.
what spilled???
the turkey was in a cheapo roasting pan, but with a cookie sheet underneath it. i didn't get burned by any hot liquid and the cookie sheet was clean.
and then the rest of our oven food wasn't juicy at all.
what caused the oven smoke-a-thon?
total mind blower.
thanksgiving dinner = yum.
except for the smoked green bean casserole and stuffing. :(
we all enjoyed some delicious sparkling cider.
addie played the trumpet.
frankie suctioned her glass to her face.
a good time was had by all.
okay, maybe not this one.
this one was feverish and red gummed with her two top front teeth just almost poking through.
which is causing her to make the goofiest faces!
love it!
after dinner we rushed over to darrows for pies.
(we were only an hour late)
they had a full house so we played some games, ate some yummy pies, and watched some football.
and that was laney's first dramatically mysterious thanksgiving. :)

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