Thursday, February 3, 2011

the extraction - the good, the bad, and the ugly

it is done.
can i get an a-men!!!
3+ years of fretting and worrying about it and it is finally done.

the good
it really wasn't that bad.
i mean, if i let myself get all dramatic about it, it was horrible.
but if i am realistic, it was okay.
the last thing i remember is the nurse putting an oxygen mask on, and then i woke up and they were still fiddling with my mouth and i thought, on no! they better put me back under!
and then the sweet tech said "we're done and you did really well."
and then all afternoon matt has nursed me back to health.
he came home from the store and surprised me with a frosty.
he brought me jello and soup when i felt hungry.
he's totally at my beck and call, that man of mine.
and christian prayed for me last night. the sweetest little prayer, just melted my heart.
and alexis is so good with frankie. and she's been saying "i love you mommy!" and i love that.
and frankie actually drank from her special "for breastfed babies" bottle.
and addie has been coming in and giving me kisses every few minutes, which, if i was a glass half empty kinda gal would be pretty annoying, but since i like to keep my glass half full, it's pretty cute.

the bad
i was seriously nervous about everything.
and it's all been a little tough.
not eating for 8 hours before hand.
the iv. 
(i know i've had many an iv, but an iv at the dentist office, oh no. no, no, no)
going to sleep.
what they would do to me when i was asleep.
waking up.
bloody gauze.
the recovery.
not eating.
i totally freaked myself out. but then i would calm down. and then freak out again.
the dentist was like 30 minutes late and when i saw him walk in, i may or may not have let out a little tiny curse.
my mouth is pretty uncomfortable. i can't say it hurts, it's just not right.

the ugly
ha ha.
it's not that bad, even though i can't open my mouth.


henna said...


Shelly said...

and that's why I love ya!

Cute idea with the 14 days of love!!