Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Ogden temple

The girls love temples as much as I do. They were excited to go to as many temples as possible, and were bummed that we couldn’t see the Salt Lake temple at night, so I promised to take them to the Ogden temple to see it lit up. Laura lives about 10 minutes from the temple, I could die, seriously. We took Maggie and Michelle (Josh’s gf that has moved up to liv with the Mc’s) with us. 

We love the temple!

One of the girls took this one of the reflection pool. 

They try hard to stay reverent on the grounds, and they are mostly successful. They only need a few reminders. 

We made our way all the way around, and only got distracted by a stray cat once. 

Sit up straight, Shell. 

The next morning (Wednesday) before our flight, Laura and I went to do an endowment session. It was wonderful. 💕

And in the meantime these two were touring around Frankfurt during an 8 hour layover. What a life!


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