Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday awesomeness

We had big plans for Saturday and they did not disappoint. We got up early and drove down to the Provo City Centwr temple. We met up with SP, who used to live in our ward. 

That has got to be the prettiest temple I’ve ever been in, and after Philadelphia, that’s a tall order. The details are stunning and I loved every minute. 

From Provo we headed north, via a quick detour to Chick-fil-A for sustenance, and hit up the Jordan River temple. It was an interesting contrast to Provo. Every temple is lovely in their own respect, and JR was lovely too. And there was a fun Samoan family that had been sealed that we took pictures of, so that was sweet. 

After that we had our private birthday celebrations. Traditionally we get our beginning of summer pedi for Laura’s b-day in May, and end of summer with mine at the end of July, but this year we decided to switch it up. Mostly because Laura moved, but you know. 

We decided to go to an epsom salt chamber for a sensory deprivation session. It’s basically a cross between a jacuzzi and a flying saucer with a lid. You lay in about 12 inches of water and 500 lbs of rosin salt, so you float. We had both heard about these and I found a good Groupon and it was on. It was different than anything I’ve ever done. It’s 0 gravity and felt amazing. I can’t say I felt super different after, but I did enjoy it and I do believe in the benefits of Epsom salt, so I’d give it 2 thumbs up. One thing that was striking to me - we drank a ton of water beforehand because the Epsom salts draw our toxins and we didn’t want to get sick. So of course I was worried about bladder time. But then during the hour long soak I didn’t think about it at all. Until I stood up, and then gravity was all, hey yo, go potty! It was so interesting to me. Aren’t bladders so interesting. 😂 I’ll end my bladder monologue here, but I’m always up for bladder talk, sooo shoot me up. 

We stayed out all day and the girls had fun at home. And aren’t my friends amazing that they love my kids and watch them so often. I felt so pampered. 

Continuing my stroll backwards in time, on Friday morning I got up early and went to the Logan temple. This was my first Utah temple. I was blessed to go to 5 Utah temples the week I was there! So good. So now I’ve done 8 Utah temples, and I only have 23 to go. Just kidding, but barely. 

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