Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter eggs and moving garbage

I like the idea of doing the Easter egg hunt on Saturday, but this year our Saturday was busy doing lots of service, so that didn’t happen. Luckily, the little girls woke up by 7, so we were able to eat and get them totally ready with plenty of time to hunt for eggs.

The girls only get pop tarts once a week, and since daddy gets them ready for church all by his lonesome, we’ve chosen Sundays as our p-tart day. So Lanes grabs a p-tart and I reminded her that she’d already had one earlier in the week. She was crouched down (think Smiegel from LotR) and said in such a weird voice “it’s Sunday, it’s a new week!” that we’ve been laughing and laughing at her (with her because she’s a great sport!). 

We The Easter bunny hid 41 eggs, just to keep things v random. 

I think they found them all, but the counting always gets a little bit sketchy. 

They were all pleased with their waster loot, in spite of our very minimalistic year. Since I didn’t get out Easter stuff last year some of the candy I’d stored wasn’t great. Thankfully they’ve got undefined kid taste buds!

We got her middle school elective alternatives today and i just can’t. Why???? 😩

Back to today. Matt has the day off from the navy, so went to work his regular job because he’s a kind heart. He came home early and we went to see Best of Enemies which was so good. Then we all headed to Mc’s. Melissa and i cleaned out the fridges, Matt painted, girls played, and Chris picked up a dolly and helped David switch refrigerators and do other toolsy things. I took one picture. 👇🏻 

Laura made a big dinner of chicken, rice, and beans, so we were able to stay till 7. She divided up more food for us. I came home with around 30 puddings that will always remind me of my McCombs. 

I was trying to remember a timeline of our friendship, so I looked up our first OBX vacation together. 

June of 2012, it was so fun! Look at all those babies! It is going to be so weird driving past their empty house! 

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