Wednesday, March 27, 2019

This and that

Delaney looks so sweet and little working on this big computer.

She read a book about fairies and one of the girls wears a headband like this. So now Delaney has worn various headbands for about a week straight. Even to bed. 


The parentals were in charge of the fhe activity tonight, and momma was about done with the box fort. We let the girls kick it, climb it, punch it, and otherwise tear it apart. Then we all worked together to bring it upstairs, and then Matt and I shoved and squished the cardboard into ours and peters recycling bins. Then the girls asked for another activity. 🙄

On Saturday we celebrated the birthday girl with a movie.

It worked out because Delaney had given Abigail a gift if taking her to a movie. 

Luckily it also happened to be pajama day at Bruesters. So the girls got a movie in their pjs and ice cream. What a life!

We brought Abigail home to play and the Aina girls came for a few hours too. It was a fun Saturday. And this little midnight snacker/reader. 

I went through my scrapbook bin and found this gem. This was in a pamphlet for our school district in New Mexico. I spy two of my nerdy children right in the middle.   

This picture represents a time of death on my scrapbooking adventures. 5 books, in various stages of done’ness. 4 school memories books (not sure why, since i have 5 children?), 2 mini photo albums, and 3 completely empty scrapbooks to boot. Plus lots and lots of stickers, embellishments, and papers. Thankfully I’m cheap, so I only ever bough michaels stuff, and all on sale, but still. 

I gave each of the girls a blank scrapbook and called it good on the others. A halfway done scrapbook is just gonna have to do. And it feels good to have emptied our another storage bin. 🤗

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