Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pi day

Pi day celebration at the school and i signed up to bring cupcakes. I tried these new lemon creme cupcakes that were super delish. 

And these old faithful s’mores cupcakes that I made last year too. 

Other notable Pi Day activities included tutoring, a difficult weaving project at Maker Space, teacher workroom cleanup, meeting a new friend of Frankie’s, and Shepherds Pie for Pi day dinner. 

Delaney’s class went to the planetarium for a field trip this week. This baby genius told me all about the constellations and drew several pictures and then looked up more information online. She loves to learn and share what she learns. 

On Monday Matt and i were in charge of the the activity for fhe and when i told Delaney what we were doing she said it would be boring. We worked through last years Friend challenge and recorded memories into Family Search and then looked through the new games section on the website. The girls loved it! They laughed and laughed and wanted to play it more. We found one game where you can put a picture of your face into historical photographs. 

Like this adorableness. 

It was warm today and on Monday when we went to piano. The girls bought jewelry with their piano allowance and played all around outside. Delaney bought two bracelets and promptly lost one while she was playing. She and Addie said a prayer and just before we were leaving, Addie found it. 

This is not a picture of her finding the bracelet, incidentally. 

Sunday was our Stake Indexing Challenge. Addie and Frankie are both old enough to have  Family Search accounts, so I worked for a few hours on Sunday to set those up. Because why would I set them up before the day of the challenge? Delaney was v upset that she couldn’t have her own account yet, but we did let her index some on Frankie’s account. 

Indexing is basically digitizing old records. We found some old tax records that were printed, so we did those. Matt worked with Addie and i worked with Frankie and Delaney. 

It was slooooow, but we did what we could and we explained to the girls how awesome it was that they were helping and remembering these people. They all felt pretty good about themselves. And our ward blew our goal out of the water. We wanted 50 indexers and ended up with 62. We also beat our goal of how many names we wanted indexed by each person, sweetness. Our ward rocks. 

We went to the Darrow’s after church. Actually, Alecia took my girls home again and then josh watched them so Alecia and I could do a visit. They fed them waffles and the kids love playing together, so it was a good day for them. It’s been a good week and the Spring weather is  super energizing. 

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