Wednesday, June 19, 2013

summer weather?

this beluga is still into staying up late. she tells me she's about ready for bed when she lays her head down on pillows and/or cries about everything. i probably need to be better at getting her down before that. always room for improvement.
monday night, lexi worked and then her friends 'showed up,' a few minutes after she got home. i had ok'd her sleepover, but not her driving friends. that girl.
on tuesday, laura watched the little girls and lexi and i went and got summer pedi's and salsa's. 
we had a really nice date. :) and now we have cute summer toes! yay!
every once in awhile, she eats. but only a few bites. don't want to get over 20 lbs, right.
it has been so unseasonably cool and wet lately. so last night between thunderstorms we went for a family walk. daddy is a sucka because he'll pick girls up out of the stroller.
happy girl with crazy golden hair!
addie alternated between riding in the stroller, running, and riding on daddy's shoulders.
laney cakes stayed in the stroller the whole time. favorite! ;)
we had collected some furniture and things for a family that just moved here and as we were loading the car the girls wanted to help.
we start 'em young!
didn't last long, but they tried. training them up, little by little. they'll be doing all my bidding in no time. someone's gotta take over all the work when lexi and chris leave. ;)
today turned into a deep cleaning day. i've been searching for a library movie case for a few weeks and hadn't found it, so i went through every toy bin, behind and underneath every couch, and under cushions, and all over. i know it's weird, but i love doing that and i especially love how everything looks when it's all put back together. joseph came over to hang out and of course i had to put him to work. like i said, somebody's gotta do it. you should hear aloseph (alexis/joseph) complaining during our 15 minute basement cleaning time. it's like complaining in stereo, they take it to a whole new level. and then i made them help me put 2-100 piece puzzles together - we were missing 1 piece from each, darnnit! i am a serious slave driver.

after all the cleaning we hit the pool. addie and joseph played in the deep end, i was playing with laney by the steps, and frankie was all over the shallow end. at one point i looked up to see frankie had gone a little too far and was getting that panicked look on her face. she couldn't quite get back on track to get back to the shallow end and then she started to go deeper. i looked to see if joseph was nearby (he wasn't) and then grabbed laney up and bulldozed to frankie, who by that point was in past her mouth and seriously panicked. she cried and burped and i held and comforted. some of the moms came and asked if she was okay and commended me on my crazy mama bulldozing skills. one that was fully clothed said she would have jumped in if she had seen her. embarrassment and social graces go out the window when my kids need me. and tonight i am so thankful that the blond headed mess is safely asleep in her bed. or actually sleeping on the floor cause she's still on her sleeping on the floor kick.

tonight we had leftovers for dinner, a presidency meeting at our house, modern family, and bed. lexi's at work and i have recommitted to staying up until she gets home every night. i know it's important, even though it's hard.

bonus pic:
before addie's school got out, we had to send a baby pic and a recent pic. at her promotion we were able to see how they put them on the classroom door. addie's showing us her pics. :)
and a close-up. big cutie girl!

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