Thursday, June 13, 2013

rain, pool time, and dating

it's been really rainy lately. one night (sunday maybe?) i took laney-bug outside to rock, instead of her usual bedroom rocking. she was a little bit excited, cause she loves being outside, but it was rainy enough that she calmed down nicely. i love a rainy night. :)
i wrapped my little last born, and rocked, and soothed, and we enjoyed the rain. it was lovely. for all the crazy motherhood moments, there are these beautiful ones that i want to imprint on my heart and remember forever. this was one of them.
one day (monday maybe?) addie took a rest with me in my room.
we all love reader's digest up in here, and we get started young.
one morning (wednesday maybe?) i had heard frankie was awake, but then i didn't hear her anymore, so back to sleep for me! when my alarm went off at 7:15 (no seminary days are pretty sweet!) this is what i saw when i opened my door. i quietly grabbed my phone and sniped 'em! neither of them even knew, i'm pretty smooth. frankie was just standing there watching lexi get ready for school. in her stilettos, of course.
and then frankie lays on the couch because she is tired, because she should not be waking up before 7am. it's such a vicious cycle. but she's my early riser, so we deal.
johnna had landon with her all week, so we planned a wednesday pool date. that was the first time i'd braved the pool. 3 little swimmers just really make me a little nervous. plus that it takes at least an hour, if not 2 to even get going to the pool. how, you ask? everyone needs: bathing suits, sunblock, food before swimming, snacks, drinks, towels, toys, swim diapers (ok, only two of them need those), shoes... you get it. finally, we were off!
lana, you know you miss this mess!
this little crazy lady loved the pool!
for good measure, we took abby with us to the pool. :) 
during the adult swim 15 minutes we hang out in the baby pool.
i caught addie jumping in.
see, not all iphone shots are bad! go nerdy addie with the goggles!
for the first hour we were there, laney just tried to drink the water. she'd put her head in and get a big gulp. gross, i know! then she got comfortable and started wandering around. she's pretty fearless. she fell in several times, backwards, forwards, all over the place, and she never cried. (yes, i am an awesome mom) she was all about the pool!
pool time with friends is so fun! johnna and landon hung out with us till 2, but by then ashby and darlaina had showed up, so we always had friends. also, the buxtons came and hung out with us for awhile, we saw monique across the pool, and then as we were leaving, lana and crew pulled up. mormom day at the pool!
i told frankie that landon was coming and she threw her arms in the air and said "landon! hooray, he's my boyfriend!" maybe i shouldn't have told her that, cause every time she talks about landon she says he's her boyfriend. oops. :)
we got to the pool at 12 and stayed till 3. from there we went straight to the bath. it was past naptime, but i was pretty sure laney wasn't gonna last. especially since she was just kinda hanging over the edge of the tub for most of the bath. it was one of those difficult, naptime will ruin bedtime, but no naptime will cause a cranky lady all evening and could also ruin bedtime... tough choices!
and some after bath silliness with my girls. lexi and i had an appointment with the dr.
dr. phil, that is.
the little girls read and played and acted silly while we watched in our room.
about 4:15 frankie came to the bed and whimpered, "i want juice. i want you to rub my back," laid down, and was asleep within about 60 seconds. she was so tired!
i let her sleep about 30 minutes before i woke her up. we had a gourmet dinner of hot dogs and fresh pineapple and then frankie had the second half of her landon date.
aren't they so cute?! frankie just loves going with johnna and landon! johnna offered to take addie too, but we had already talked up addie time with mom and dad, so she chose to stay with us and have ice cream. :) it's good to get time to focus on just one child at a time, and it's also good for frankie to get time away. it's all good!
yay, the silly face is back!
i had a headache after the pool and my back kinda hurt. so i asked matt to look at my back, and sure enough, burned. this was shocking news to me because i had asked frankie to put lotion on my back and i was quite certain she did a thorough job. i had forgotten that i was going to put more sunblock on my back! i had also forgotten to put any sunblock on my face! 3 hours, high noon, and no sunblock = red nose, red forehead, and crazy sunglass lines. 
prett-y hot - pun intended.

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