Sunday, February 24, 2013

presidents day

we spent our monday off from school at pete's cute ninja turtle birthday party.
lovin' the girls couch/boy couch thing they've already got going on!
miss d has decided that walking is not so bad.
they played lots of cute games. they pinned the mask on the ninja turtle.
franks went first and she wasn't quite sure what she was doing. :)
purple ninja turtle!
and the gang.
addie was being clingy with me.
they threw ninja stars.
again, frankie wasn't quite sure what that was all about.
we do princesses over here, not ninja turtles.
lanes wouldn't even wear the mask.
after the party fun, we headed over to mccombs to get our president on by watching lincoln.
the only best movie nominee i've seen, thankyouverymuch.
we had pizza at pete's party and pizza at mccombs.
then we came home nice and early and got ready to start the week.
and a blurry bonus:
 when delaney cries at night, she totally gathers up all her stuff like she's going on a trip. she has her minnie, her bunny, and her little lovey blanket (the cute one that lisa made her) and she's ready to go.
silly laney.

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