Tuesday, April 26, 2011

day 6 - celebrating easter and cocoa beach

mindy and i went out for virgin pina colada's on thursday night. i know, part-ay!!! when we got home (after midnight, big time part-ay!), we put together the kids easter baskets. so that morning we celebrated easter. :)

we got addie and izzy both "tangled" barbie dolls and mindy was sure that izzy was gonna freak out. as it turned out, izzy didn't really care about hers, but addie loved hers. i'm so excited, i think i just got my barbie player! alexis never (ever!) played with barbies or any kind of play dolls for that matter. but addie, she's my girl. she loved that doll! yay!
barely awake and twinsies, lexi and sydney.
jack was the only one willing to search for eggs. you go, jack!
playing with her barbie on the way out to cocoa beach!
all matt really wanted to do in florida was go surfing. so of course, friday came around and he still hadn't been surfing. we had originally planned that we would all go to cocoa beach, but then mindy and i got to thinking that maybe matt would like a day to himself. cause a day with no kids is like a little slice of heaven. (so is a day with kids though, right?) so then he decided that he would go alone on friday. but then when the kids woke up and we told them we weren't going to the beach, they all protested and were all "but you promised we'd go to the beach!" and so even though it was an hour and a half drive, they all wanted to go. i'm so glad we did, it was so fun!

another reason for going - ron jon surf shop!
can you see the billboard?
after tons of traffic and a small detour by the kennedy space station to try for an alligator sighting (we didn't see any), we finally got to cocoa beach. we parked and walked to ron jon where matt and lex got shirts and we all got body boards.
silly surfer girls!
mindy and i got mcdonalds for everyone and matt and ben went to go see about renting surfboards. after eating our sandy lunch, it was down to the beach we went and it was gorgeous! i should have taken a picture of the beach, it looked so cute with all the rainbow and bright umbrellas everywhere. addie and izzy loved running in and out of the water. matt, ben, and jack went out to catch some waves with their body boards

addie would find a spot, sit down, and wait for the waves. and then she'd act super surprised when the waves came! so funny!

matt and jack got super sunburned, so they both wore shirts at the beach.
daddy rides.

and izzy's turn.

 frankie still hated the water.

  she was happy just cuddling with mindy.
sweet baby.
she was done.

then after awhile, izzy was done. and then addie was done.
matt finally rented a board and this was the one good picture we had of him.
lexi, brytana, and i went out to catch some waves and while we were heading out, i got to see matt stand on his board. he didn't know i was out there and i was cat-calling him and whistling. then when he saw it was me, he paddled over and we shared an atlantic ocean kiss.
these 3 chicks swam all the way out to the buoys. twice! it was so. much. fun!!! we were dodging waves and getting dunked. i don't ever want to grow up!!!
on our way! notice i strategically cropped our nether-regions. ;) it's better for all of us. trust me.
there's my mans hat. can you spy him?
cocoa beach was seriously fun! we had sand in every crevice and nook and cranny of our stroller, towels, and bags. sand everywhere is sooo summer!
we stayed until after 5 and then mindy and crew had to rush to try to catch their movie at downtown disney. (matt and i stayed with the babes). they ended up missing the movie, but enjoyed a nice stroll and dinner at carraba's. i would have gone, but was starting to have anxiety about alllll the laundry, cleaning, and packing that needed to happen before the voyage home. so that's what i did and it was a perfectly happy ending to a perfectly happy vacation day.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Sounds awesome! Love the beach pictures, I wanna beach day!!