Sunday, April 24, 2011

13 whole monthes - by frankie

without further ado, my month:

i've been letting people hold me and put me to sleep which i never used to let them do. my big sissy (<3 her!) put me to sleep on this fine day.

my hair is coming in and it often sticks up in a pointdexter point. cute, huh?
bestie roni came over and we played some piano. rest assured, it sounded good!
grandpa ray came to town! hooray, fun times!
3 generations!
in the waiting room for my 12 month check-up. playing is fun. getting 'checked-up' is not.
i weighed 20.6 lbs. and was 29 1/4 in.'s though. my mom forgot to ask about the percentile's but i'm pretty sure i'm thinning out!
i still really like to be held. and even though i can walk a few steps, i prefer crawling, or being held. :)
i love playing with my daddy.
one day he gave me a magnifying glass. that was fun!

i'm all over the house now. upstairs, downstairs, and all around.
this is my "cheese" face. don't you love it???!!!
i'm a big eating girl now! i still nurse 4-5 times a day, but i really like to eat food too.
see how much i like to eat food?
cut-up grapes are good too.
i love to share my food!
oh, and theres that hair again. see how long and luxurious it is?!
i got all dolled up one day and everyone made a big deal about my cute booties, sweater, and cap. my mom liked how my dress kept riding up over my big booty.
trying to read in peace!
the whole ensemble. total fashionista.
here's my kiss face. don't you want a kiss from me?
she always does. she gives kisses to me...
and i give kisses to her.
i call this "cheese in a toy basket."
climbing out...
i had a little fall. i was okay though, don't you worry.
i'm a big girl so i love playing at the park. only it's hard because i like to walk (holding onto things) sometimes, so my mom puts me in shoes. but then i decide i want to crawl cause it's faster, so my shoes get scuffed and my pants get dirty. (and one pair got a hole in the knee :o)
i was super dirty after playing in this pig pen!
i love riding bikes!
i had put my bubba's backpack on and was leaning against it, but when mama came to take the picture i was done with that.
then we went on a road trip!!!
my mom will tell you about all the details later. here's what was important to me.
i had to ride in my carseat for like, ever. i got fed lots of crackers and snacks while there, including cheetos and m & m's from addie.
my mom kept holding the camera back there to see what kinda picture she could get, and she thought this was funny. big teeth, big nose, big eyes. (and long eyelashes, right?)
the car wasn't too bad. i only really threw fits on the way home, and even that wasn't too bad.
my dad celebrated a birthday on the road (more about that later) and i got to get sung to with him.
my mom and i have matching hats. she's holding my arm here because i don't like our matching hats.
we went to the beach!
and i don't like the beach! (or the water at all!)
it's okay if i'm being held.
but not when they put me down!

my big sis addie and i had matching suits, cute huh?
i went to a lot of new states! now i've been to maryland, virginia, n. carolina, s. carolina, georgia, and florida!
i also spent a lot of time in my stroller because...
we went to disneyworld!
everything was so bright and exciting there, i wasn't about to waste time posing for pictures.
but then things got scary, so i did.
you never know what might be lurking behind your horse.
enough of disney.
my dad likes to wake up early, so every morning on vacation, i woke up early to hang out with him.
that's just me, i'm a giver.
then there was more swimming!
didn't i tell them that i am not a swimmer!
that's enough swimmingl for me, thankyouverymuch.
see me in the right corner of the picture? me no likey water.
anywho, that was my month. i'm learning so much about the world around me. i point at everything and say "what's that?" i also say dada, mama (finally!), cheese (you already know that), wow, lay, and a lot more that my mom just doesn't recognize. i take 5 or 6 steps. i've still got just the 4 teeth and they are all big and beautiful. still 1 nap a day, still mostly sleeping through the night. and i still don't like water.



The Lawrences said...

awww! she is such a sweet cute girl. miss her, and you all. glad to see she used some of the clothes :)

auntie henna said...

frankie, has your mom todl about this really cool state called washington? there are a bunch of people there that love you and would give you lots of treats, hold you and never, ever put you in water. you should come for a visit!