Monday, September 9, 2024


Alecia and I went to the temple on Thursday and it was one of those cool learning trips. Also, I first received my endowment on September 5, 2002, so it was my 22nd temple-versary.

I made cowboy casserole that totally bombed and then had a very good meeting with President Boyd.

On Friday Matt and I went to look at patio stones. I am so done talking about our backyard and just ready to pay whatever we need to, until I see how much it will all cost. Blah, so many decisions and so much to do back there. 

Friday night is Delaney’s long night of dance. She started her contemporary class which she loved and made the 2 and a half hours go by more quickly. I walked and shopped and read while she danced. Then we all watched a movie and I made dough for 6 dozen cookies for our missionary meeting on Sunday.

On Saturday I baked the 6 dozen cookies and some sweet breads. I had an area stake RS meeting and Adi had her first day of driving with an instructor. Adi and Frankie went to a dance that night and Matt and I worked really well together and finished the frame for our last garage shelf. Now we just have to mount them and cut and attach the top and then I’ll be so happy organizing bins. 

I left home Sunday morning at 7:45. I attended the Calvert ward from 9-11, the Baysode ward from 11:30-1:30, then Antonio and I put on a stake and mission coordination meeting from 3-4. Sister Clouse was there and we caught up and I visited with some of my RS ladies and we all walked out together at 5:15. I got home just after 6 and it was just a long but very very good day. I caught up with some Communications and JustServe people and the Relief Society lessons were excellent, and I lead the council in Bayside, and I left spiritually filled and also glad the day was over. 

Adi made homemade pasta, a cooking feat I have never even tackled and a pink sauce to go along with her homemade artisan bread. She’s awesome and it was delicious. I told the fam about my day and they shared about theirs and it was a sweet night. 

This morning was the first one where I grabbed a sweater and was too chilly to open windows and I am here for it! Fall is the most wonderful time of the year! At least it is during the fall time. During the summer that is the most wonderful, during Christmas that is, and spring too. January and February not so much. 🤣

And because I didn’t take a single picture from Thursday-Monday I’ll share this silly little funny. 

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