Tuesday, September 10, 2024

By a yard

We’re switching family night to Tuesdays since Mondays are full of piano and dance. President Nelson turned 100 and we’ll watch his birthday broadcast tonight. 

Rachael asked our family to sing a musical number a couple weeks ago and then she actually followed up too. I love to sing, but it does not love me. We aren’t singers, but we’ll share our testimony through a song on Sunday. Actually, I think my crew sounds pretty good, I am the weakest link. Anyway, Michelle came over last night and brought us a really beautiful arrangement of our song and practiced with us for awhile and then we chatted till after everyone had gone to bed. She lives in our neighborhood now, so that’s pretty sweet. And we’ll see if we can pull off this arrangement. The jury is still very much out. 

Today Alecia hosted a brunch and it was nice to go visit with friends. And this is the one picture I took in the last 24 hours. Guess what we’re doing this weekend?

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