Sunday, September 8, 2024


Sunday was papas birthday and we miss celebrating with him. I’d happily make him a birthday pumpkin pie and meatloaf if he were here. We settled for a FaceTime call. The first time he didn’t answer so we were gonna send him this pic, but then he called back. 
We had the sister missionaries and Karl over for Hawaiian Haystacks. I love having sisters serving. The boys are good too, but there’s something special about the girls. They are so sweet and also so young, I feel very tender towards them. They’ve both cried to me and I’m happy to be a mom figure. ❤️

We had a plan for our Labor Day Monday and we stuck to it. First up - put together the seminary room. I don’t know why I thought this would be a quick task. 

It took a few hours because Matt had to mount the giant whiteboard and then there are 25 doctrine mastery posters we put up. Adi measured to make sure they would all fit and her measurements were exact, the only problem was we didn’t go high enough so they go over the door frame. It’s not a big deal and idk if anyone even notices, but I notice. By that point we were like 20 posters in and we weren’t about to measure and level each of them again, so we called it good. 

Everyone helped. We swept, laid out all the books, helped hang the whiteboard (that thing is heavy!) and set up the tables and chairs. And in the interim some people rested.  

It actually looks like a little classroom, which is kinda weird. 

After that we ate lunch and then family shopping trip, first to Lowe’s for a new toilet for the girls, among other items. We really like this one in the middle, and bought it, but not sure it will work. Plumber is coming tomorrow, so fingers crossed! The girls toilet and shower leak, so that’s fun. The shower has been a thing for awhile, but the toilet is new. Matt would like to fix both himself, but he’s rather behind on the home projects, so a plumber it is. 

Next we hit BJ’s. Certain of our girls have decided they don’t like our lunch options. They are growing up and I’d rather they eat something, so we went to BJ’s and everyone picked some things they’d like. And finally, we hit the pool for one last swim. We stayed for an hour which was 30 minutes longer than I thought we would. It’s been super cool and pleasant out which is not great swimming weather. 

Also, Thomas sent this side by side. Just missing one on the right, but hopefully we’ll be making a totem pole with our 6th soon. 

Seminary started bright and early Tuesday morning. Delaney and I read together while she eats breakfast and it felt so strange sitting there while people were coming in and then an actual class was happening downstairs. I know we’ll get used to it, it’s just kinda funny. Everyone said it was “good,” and I’m trying hard to be chill and supportive. After, they all jumped on the trampoline for a few minutes and then headed out for the bus. We’re 4 days in and so far, so good. Matt has been prepping right after class and has still had time for other things, so that’s good. 

We did our home evening on Tuesday also and the girls jumped and Delaney took crazy pictures and it was an open window day - my favorite.  

On Wednesday I visited one old president and one new president and I’ve really got a good system for training new presidents now. I know it’s not me, I’m nothing special, it’s the spirit that has helped refine and polish my training, and it’s really such a joy to serve with these ladies. i feel so blessed, I really love my calling, even though it’s not always easy. 

I made meatball subs for dinner because I’m branching out and then ballet started. Kind of dreading 3 nights a week but like Alecia and I talked about, it’s a joy to serve our kids and help them develop their talents, so of course I do it happily. Sometime dreadingly happily. 🤣

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the Blog!!