Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Playing in the mud

It rained just enough to make the ground messy for our digging yesterday. It did make the dirt softer, so that part wasn’t terrible. Also, we did more damage to our sprinklers than we thought, but our September motto is “we’re learning.” Like when we took an emergency trip to Ace and then decided we actually didn’t need anything.  

We are just praying this works! It’s a little nerve wracking hoping we got the grade right and that nothing gets clogged. 

This is what we got done by the time it got dark. We’ll sprinkle grass seed and hay and hopefully all the rain will wash the dirt off the grass and make it look more tidy. It is MUD.DY. 

The sisters came over and helped me bang out six batches of cookies for our cookie stand for the canned food drive. I made the dough and they weighed the balls and it went so much faster and was so much better for my sad little wrists. They’re such good and cute girls. 

We had homemade Taco Bell quesadillas for dinner and I am trying to clean out our freezer so we can defrost it so I made banana bread after everyone went to bed and then Amy called so I stayed up way too late chatting. 

Poor Delaney didn’t feel great when she came home from school, and still this morning felt just north of sick so she stayed home. I had a physical were my dr - who I swore I’d not seen before but actually did see last year - gave me gold stars and said she hoped all her patients today were like me. I helped her manifest that. Then I had to give 4 vials of blood because #oldlady. 

This afternoon is pouring down rain so we’re switching gears to our inside project. Pray with me that we can finish shelves today!

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