Tuesday, April 5, 2022

On the road again

On Sunday evening Matt and I got back from the best road trip. It was emotional and healing and so good for my soul. 

Last Monday we flew to El Paso. Our flight was delayed and bumpy, but alls well that ends well. I like flying with Matt, his piloting experience makes me feel safe. Joe and Brady picked us up and while Matt talked with Joe, I was able to catch up with Brady. She’s a June girl, so just a few months younger than Delaney and we made plans to get these cousins together soon! We ran into Wally where we got our only picture of Joe’s crew and it was just Brady and I in masks. Oopsie. 

We picked up Whataburger for dinner and then Matt and I went for a long walk to take their dog Molly out with Joseph and Brady. Joseph is just a few weeks younger than Adi. They showed us their neighborhood owls and we heard all the hot goss on the El Paso 4th and 8th grade scene. They are such fun kids, I really hope we can get everybody together soon!

The next morning Joe dropped Matt and I off at Penske to pick up our truck and we headed to my moms house. It was about as emotional as I thought it would be, which actually wasn’t terrible. I’m working out the emotional heavy lifting and I’m really trying to stay grounded and firm. I was glad Matt was there with me. We walked through everything and picked up a few more treasures to bring home with us. I went through my moms computer while Matt loaded the truck. I found some sweet things, including a letter she wrote to Christian when he went on Trek. Also this messy hair don’t care x2 picture of she and I. 

I helped Matt with the heavy stuff and he worked his Eagle Scout magic tying everything down. He did such a good job, nothing moved an inch back there! 

There was a crazy wind advisory and it was dusty as heck and that plus crying and my eyes were so itchy and red. 

I’m so glad I was able to go back. It took a lot of wrangling  and a million calls to find a truck, but it was worth it. I might go back again to help Joe, but if I don’t I’ll be ok. 

Locked and loaded!

This was a good and happy house for us! I hope it will bring another family as much joy as it brought ours. 

We left in the afternoon and we hadn’t eaten lunch. Our plan was to find a delicious Mexican hole-in-the-wall, but then our directions took us on the loop and I’m not super familiar with that road and we didn’t find anything. 

Until right before we got into New Mexico we passed The Edge of Texas Steakhouse and decided we had to.  

It was the cutest restaurant and we had the best server. As I’ve been reflecting on our trip we had tender mercy after miracle after kindness. It was just the best. 

We were talking to her about driving to Maryland and how beautiful it is and she told us how her youngest is graduating and she can’t wait to travel and that her mom always wanted to travel but never got the chance to, and my tender heart overflowed through my eyes and I apologized as I explained why we were driving cross country. We talked a few more minutes and then she asked if she could give me a hug and it was just what I needed after an emotional day (🌟).

Leaving full and happy (and a little fat).

When i first moved to Seattle and Alli and I drove a uhaul we took driving pics with all the different terrain, so I really had to. 

We had picked up a big bag of road trip snacks and since we didn’t think of a cooler bag we found a cute UCLA one at my moms that came home with us and we were set. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the blog!!

Disappointed there were no pictures of the food. I always enjoy those.